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"Hey." A voice says from my phone as I put it up to my phone.

"Hey." I answer back, trying not to sound weak but failing. I press enter on the computer and close the inside of a book, putting it on the other side of the desk.

"Whatcha doing?" Pippa asks.

"I'm at the book store." I say, opening another book.

"Oh. I-uh, wanted to see how you were doing. It's been a few days and I haven't really talked to you. Are you okay?" She says, sounding timid.

"Yeah. Fine."

"You don't sound it." I take a second to think about what to say, staring at the inside cover of the book but not reading anything.

"It's just been a lot. I had to talk about it and it was rough but you know, it's over and I'm moving on. I've got other stuff to think about."

""I just don't want it to build up inside of you until you burst."

"Thank you but I've got it under control."

"I'll see you tomorrow morning at the coffee shop?"

"Um, no. I have to go into school early."

"What for?"

"I got in trouble but they're thinking of dropping the punishment and clearing my record now that they know why I sort of flipped out in a class."

"You did?"

"Yeah. I yelled at the teacher and left early and everything. I don't even know why I did it."

"Because you weren't in a good state of mind."

"That's why they might drop it. But I have to talk with them first. Hey, maybe you can call me when I'm done with my meeting and tell me about your interview and the show and all. I haven't heard anything about it lately."

"Well, I haven't heard about you."

"I read a book, I wrote an essay, I had a test. All caught up."

"You do that every day."

"Sometimes it takes me more than a day ti read a book."

"When it's War and Peace."

"Not true. Anyways, catch me up on Monday?"

"Yeah, sure. Wait, what are you doing about coffee?"

"All set. My friend is bringing it because she has morning detention for breaking into the teacher lounge for coffee."


"Quick update though?"

"We had two swings in in Saturday, Lin forgot a line-"

"Oh no!"

"It happens. But the shows here great and a tom of people came to the ham4ham. I'll tell you more tomorrow."



"Bye." I hang up and click enter on the computer again, close the book, and stand off of my stool when a customer comes to the counter.

"Hi, did you find everything you were looking for?"

"Yes, thank you." The lady says back to me. I slide the books over and scan the backs of them. We're a small store but we don't need to write up recipes. "Actually, do you have any music books?"

"Yes, we do. Anything in particular?" I ask, walking out from behind the counter. "Sheet music, instrumental, voice?"

"Sheet music." I lead her around the bookshelf and to the other side.

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