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" u sure it will work?" both of them asked.


"wouldn't it be cheesy?"

"sometimes girls love cheesy. also, ur idea is kinda brilliant."  Sydney said. she knew Olivia very well. the little laugh that was about o escape Olivia's lips and the hidden blush when she saw the post-it notes was the proof that she has kinda forgiven him but is scared to give him another chance. cant blame her for this. If only her past was so.

" earth to Yves." Sydney waved her hands in front of my face.

" they both have the same habit of drifting into their own thoughts and world every now and then. no wonder I always say that they-"

"shut it Sydney." I shut her midsentence. my phone vibrated. it's a text from Olivia.

o- walk to school tomorrow.

y- I m sorry.

o- *took the sorry and threw it out of the window

 "who was it?"

"Olivia. she isn't gonna pick me up for school tomorrow."

" look at the time. I need to be home." Sydney said.

"yeah me too," Brooklyn said.

"so we r clear about the plan?"  I asked.



so as Olivia said she didn't pick me up. Therefore I took my mom's car. Luckily she was on a holiday for today and tomorrow. I reached school and saw that Olivia hasn't reached yet. is she ditching school today? she wouldn't as there is an important chemistry test today. I shook it off and made my way towards Sydney. she had everything prepared with the sophomores. I didn't want anyone of my year involved in this because well they just wouldn't do it.

"is she here?" Sydney asked.

"no. she must be here anytime. are Brooklyn and everyone ready?"

"yes. everything is done perfectly."

"great then I should go to Brooklyn." 

"yeah, she should be here any minute now."  I rushed inside to Brooklyn.

"any minute now. be calm." I could see the nervousness in him as he let out a deep breath.


 gah, I didn't want to go to school today. but there is a important chemistry test that i cant miss even though i hate chemistry soo much. i picked myself up and drove to the school. i was jusr 3 mins late as the ussual time i used to reach. wait something seems fishy? why is sydney standing at the entrance of the building with a pink rose? i got out of my car, picked my bag and walked towards her.

"is everything alright?"  i asked her.

"yep. just wanted to give u this."  she said and handed me the rose.

"what is this for?" 

"u will know." she said and pushed me inside the building. as i entered the building another girl handed me a pink rose.

"will u tell me whats going on?"

"just go!" she chriped and laughed. as I made my way towards my locker I got more and more pink roses from sophomore students. but why? I kept on asking her about what was happening but she just laughed and told me to walk. 

till the time I was about to reach my locker my hand was full of roses. I had no idea what was in on or who was doing this. I was busy admiring the roses and drowned in the curiosity. I didn't realize that I had reached my locker. as I looked up from the roses I saw Brooklyn standing in front of my locker. he was having 4 pink roses in his hand. what is the fuck is happening? I saw Yves behind him. people had crowded us like anything. 

"umm what is happening?" 

" i uhh i just.." brooklyn stammered  and yves pushed him forward towards me as sydney giggled behind me.



"i just wanted to sya i m sorry for misunderstanding u. i know i fucked up really bad andi shouldnt have said those things to u. I believed those fake rumors like an arsehole. I want us to be friends again. people said me that anyone and everyone can be my friend even if I didn't ask for it. but I want to be friends with you. I' m so sorry. can we pls be friends again?"  I couldn't help but sigh. he was blushing so hard, me too.

"come on olive give me a chance," Sydney whispered to me and smiled. maybe i should. maybe i should give him a chance. i looked over his shoulder to yves and he signaled me to forgive him.

I took a deep breath.

"i- i forgive u."

"really?! so- so can we be friends again?"

"Yeah,"  I said in kinda low voice and everyone erupted in claps and howls. he came near me and handed me the flowers. his was smiling like an idiot. i knew that it was yves idea of doing this. god this boy. no wonder day by day i fall for him more, but he is the one who never realises it. Sigh.

" the principal's coming!" one of the students yelled and everyone pretended to go back to their work as our principal is really moody and no one knows if today is his happy day or angry day. I quickly opened the lockers and kept the roses inside while Yves and Brooklyn both pretended to look into their lockers for something but in reality, Yves was trying to hide his laugh and Brooklyn was trying to hide his blush, well the blush things go for me too.

"the bell will go sonn. off to your classes all of ya!" he beamed. well it seems like he isn thaving a good day but i think today might be good for me. The first class was calculus. we 3 sat at out ordinary places me at the window, yves beside me and brooklyn beside him. Today was a surprise test and the grades were going to be added in the finals. 

"wasnt the test hard?" brooklyn asked as we walked towards our chemistry class.

"hmm yeah." yves said.

"yeah a bit." i said. as we enetered the class and took out places. i should get good marks in chemistry. i m kinda weak. also ms.henkins was grading it then and there and giving it back. grt!

 "here." ms. henkins passed me my test.

"looks like the test was really hard for everyone,"  Yves said and I shifted my attention from my locker to everyone around. they all were in a sad or angry mood. 

"how much did u got?" 

"78"  yves sighed and said.

"and u beckham?" yves asked him.

"me uh 63," he said in a low voice.

"and u olivia?" brooklyn asked me.

"umm its not that good i think."

"she hates chemistry." yves said.

" come on  just tell. we r not gonna laugh."

"fine." I passed them my paper and their eyes went wide as if it will pop out of the sockets.

" you got.."

"how the fuck?!"

"u hated chemistry right?"

"yeah, i m kinda weak in it," I said timidly.

" then how did u?"

A/N:- BAM! sorry for a late upload. was a bit busy.also, did u liked yves' idea? I seriously think this chapter sucks.

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