Remus Lupin; the Truth

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Remus Lupin. What a lovely name. You couldn't love it more. He was a prefect, a Marauder, and, this was your favorite bit, your boyfriend!

You'd been dating him since third year and couldn't be happier! He was the sweetest, most incredible boyfriend you'd ever had.

It's was currently fifth year and you'd been curious as to why he's always get so troublesome around the same time each month. Maybe a guy period..? Or perhaps an anniversary of someone's death? You didn't want to bother him about it if it were personal, but he'd never go into detail about it.

The only excuse he made about it was that it was a boys weekend that happened monthly and he and his crew were secluded to themselves in Shrieking Shack for the entire weekend.

When he and the boys left for the shack, you headed to Hogsmeade with Lily and Molly, your two best friends, to get some sweets from Honeydukes to share with Remus once he got back, as well as a girls weekend with warm butterbeer at Three Broomsticks.

This month was quite unusual. Remus had come back from Shrieking Shack looking much more tired and beaten up. You normally thought they'd gotten drunk on Fire Whiskey during their weekends and just had a few tumbles on their way to the lake. But, now you were rather worried for your boyfriend.

"Remus," you said following him up to his dorm and sitting on his bed. He hummed a response as he grabbed a sweater as it was time for dinner. "What do you boys really do when you leave every month?"

At this he froze. Was he supposed to tell you the truth, or spare you and keep you in the dark?

"Well, I'm sure they won't want me telling you this, but James, Sirius, Peter and I all spend the night getting drunk and walking around the grounds." He started to chuckle, "You should've seen Sirius and James one night. They both tried to take on a centaur in the Forbidden Forrest and they had gotten pummeled." He let out another giddy laugh. It was too giddy. He'd be concerned and upset with their stupidity. You stood and looked at him.

"Lupin, you can lie to anyone at this school, but me. I know your ins and outs better than you yourself. Now whatever it is, tell me!" You ordered him. He looked ashamed and you could tell his was nervous. You cupped his cheeks and looked deeply into his eyes and kissed him. "You can tell me anything." He smiled and rubbed your hand.

"Well, love. This is rather big news, dangerous news, I completely understand if you want to break up after this, I mean I wouldn't want to be with me either when hearing this. It's completely understandable for you. Just give me the word and-"

"Remus!" He took a breath. "You're rambling. Just tell me. I'll love you no matter what." He sighed.

"(Y/n), my love, my sweet, sweet-" you gave him a look. "Love, I'm a werewolf." He kept his eyes to the floor and kept his hands on yours. When you didn't say anything he looked up. You were smiling. Smiling! "Love, what's wrong?"

"Oh you buffoon! That's not so bad! We can get through that easily, darling." You hugged him tightly and he was in awe.

"Are you daft woman?! I could tear you apart! Rip you limb from limb and you just act like its nothing?!" He yelled. You shushed him and laughed.

"Remus, I love you so much I'll help you with anything! This seems like such a small matter! I though you were going to tell me you were in love with Siri- never mind. But this we can get through. I will help you anyway I can because I'm willing to help out my shy, sweet, and caring boyfriend and nothing could make me change my mind!" You told him. He looked in your eyes before pulling you in for a deep kiss.

"Hey Moony! Why haven't you come down for supper-" You both pulled apart as Sirius and James walked into the dorm.

"My, my, Moony. If we knew you were eating face up here we would've let you be," Sirius snickered. You roiled your eyes and walked out past them, turning to hit them both on the back of the head before disappearing down the stairs to the dinning hall, leaving Remus to chuckle as his friends rubbed their heads.

Okay, sorry this is shit, it'll get better I promise.

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