Telepathy (2/3); Sirius Black

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Every girl in Hogwarts came to you asking if you could get them a night alone with the schools most wanted player and you laughed to yourself knowing they wouldn't last twenty minutes in the sack with Sirius. And you know this from experience. That's right.

You were the Sirius Black's sex buddy.

It wasn't something that just popped up out of the blue, as if he'd chosen you from the dozens of girls at school to shag whenever the mood struck him. You were James's cousin. And because of your blood relation to Mr. Potter, you stuck with the Marauders like you were jinxed to their sides.

With this blood relation, your relationship with Black had to be kept a secret. James would not approve and he would most certainly blab to the family. Intentional or not.

So, whenever the shagging would come across either of your minds, you agreed to send Peeves to harass the other because Peeves never misses an opportunity to torment students and it was a very casual way of signaling it was time. Events would take place in broom closets, bathrooms, the Shrieking Shack, even the stands on the Quidditch Pitch. Though that was a rare, one time occasion. Your task was to make sure you weren't followed, and Sirius's was to make sure he had the map with him so the other three couldn't see where you were. And one of these secret meetings is where our story begins.

You had just gotten out of Charms class, walking out with Lily and Molly. You decided now would be the perfect time for Peeves to visit your favorite little devil, so you waved good bye to the only female friends you had and went to search for the mischievous spirit.

Sirius was walking back to the common room with James and Lupin when Peeves popped out of the wall in front of them, spraying ogre snot solely on Sirius. James and Lupin burst out in a fit of giggles and Sirius frowned.

"Bloody hell, Peeves! What was that for?" He asked, wiping off as much of the green goo as he could.

"Miss Potter told me a story about a film she saw and a man-"

"Alright, that's all I need to know, Peevesy. I'll catch up with you later, lads. I've got a prank to attend to," Sirius told, beginning to walk backwards. James and Remus looked at the young man before them, bewildered.

"Pads, that's like the fifth prank today!" Potter said.

"Yeah, mate. How many times are you and (Y/n) gonna torture each other?" Lupin asked. Sirius shrugged.

"As many as it takes to show her who's boss," he shrugged, grinning from ear to ear. After that he turned and ran down a hall, secretly wondering where he would find you.

"He's one strange man, isn't he," James commented. Lupin looked to his friend with a smirk.

"Let's see where he's been going all this time." James tossed a brow up, not understanding, before Remus held up a blank bit of parchment.


Sirius had discovered you topless in one of the locker rooms, deciding then and there he needed to have his way with you on the benches.

Roughly an hour later, the both of you sweaty and tired, were getting redressed. The experience was heavenly and you didn't know how he always managed to keep it interesting and new.

'Gods, I think that might've been the best time yet,' you heard Sirius say. You smiled to yourself.

"Don't worry, love, soon that one will seem like rubbish compared to what I've got in the works for the next round," you said smugly, turning to look at him. He looked up at you, brows furrowed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2021 ⏰

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