James Potter; Quidditch

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"I will win this time, James!" You called from your houses side of the field.

"In your dreams, (L/n)!" He yelled back in his own house colors. You grinned.

"Only if you meet me there!" He smiled at you and your teams walked to center field and waited for Hooch's command.

"I want a clean game today. There's supposed to be rain at three, but other than that it's sunshine and daisies. Mount your brooms!" Everyone stood with their broom between their legs. "Off you go!" Everyone pushed off into the air and zoomed around.

"I bet I can catch the Snitch in five minutes!" James told you.

"Don't kid yourself, James. We know I can get it in three!" You snarked. He smirked at you and you both stayed side by side and watched as the both of your teams keepers, chasers and beaters scored. This went on for hours. Finally it started to sprinkle. Which turned into a downpour, yet still no sign of the snitch. "James! This is going to be a rough ride," you told him as he squinted against the rain.

"I'll catch the Snitch for you, (Y/n). Don't worry." You chuckled along with him before turning to your left and catching a bludger straight to the face, knocking you off your broom.

When he saw you falling to the grassy floor dozens of feet below he panicked. Just as he gripped his broom to swoop down, a flash of gold flew past. He looked to the left and could see the Snitch a mere four feet away. He took a couple looks between the two of you.

"Come on, James!" Remus growled from the stands.

"Prongs, you bloody idiot! Save the girl!" Sirius yelled.

James, as though hearing his friends, aimed the nose of his broom downward and raced to catch you. You were twenty feet from the ground.

"A little faster, come on!" James yelled at his broom. Fifteen. "Bloody hell! Faster! Faster!" Ten.

"Bloody hell!" Sirius screamed. Remus gasped.

"He's not going to make it. He's too far away! She's too close to the ground!" He exclaimed. They looked to each other and started racing through the awestricken crowd trying to get out of the stands and onto the field.

"Bloody hell this daft broom! Oh, who needs it!" He jumped off his broom and dove toward your unconscious form that was minutes from hitting the ground.

Just as Remus and Sirius had gotten to the field Remus pulled his wand.

"Petrificus Totalus!" He yelled and pointed his wand at the both of you.


You stirred in your bed and rubbed your eyes to be greeted with an aching head. You groaned and heard a chuckle. You turned.

"How's the head, (L/n)?" James asked. You furrowed your brows and sighed.

"Bloody painful, Potter. What happened?" You asked.

"You got knocked off your broom with a bludger and the teams took a forfeit. Rescheduled game for whenever you feel better. Madam Pomfrey had to mend your skull with some weird spell. Said you could've been seriously hurt, but we bloody know you're skull's thick as can be." You both laughed.

"How'd I not crush every bone in my body?"

"Remus used some freezing spell to stop you from falling so you could be caught. Then Dumbledore rushed you here. People were worried for you. Don't think anyone's been hit with a bludger and survived. Those damn Beaters," he grumbled.

"Hey at least I'm okay," you said. He nodded.

~One Month Later~

"Remus! Thank you so much for saving me from falling to my death!" You told, hugging him tightly. You'd just been let out of the hospital wing after your accident.

Remus was taken aback. "(Y/n), what do you mean? I didn't save you. I just performed a spell even Sirius could've used." You both looked to Sirius as he had gotten rejected and hit in the face. "Maybe not Sirius, but you get my point."

"Don't be so modest, Remus!" You said.

"I mean it. James was the real hero. He gave up the Snitch to chase after you. He even let go of his broom!" Remus explained. "He's the real hero." You smiled to yourself and thanked Remus.

"James Potter! James! Oh, bloody- where could he be?!"

"You called for me, (L/n)?" He said from behind you. You grinned feverishly. You grabbed his tie and pulled him in for a kiss.

"Thanks for saving me, Potter. And for giving up the Snitch." You said. He flushed.

"You got ahold of Remus..?" He asked. You nodded.

"Let's go have lunch," you said and kissed his cheek.

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