Sirius Black; the Lost Father

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We'll start our story at its ever-so-present demise. The Death Chamber in the Ministry Of Magic, 1996. You were with Harry, Ron, and Hermione, as well as Ginny, Neville and Luna. And that's where we shall start this tragic event.

You followed Harry away from the Death Eaters and back to the Death Chamber. Unfortunately, you also were cornered by Death Eaters. He had the prophecy in his hands and gave you an apologetic look. You gave him a grim smile and grabbed the hand with his wand, hoping to tell him it would be all right. There was a patter of footsteps and you saw Neville running in. You stood higher to try and get a look at what he was doing, but then you spotted Bellatrix.

"Neville!" You shouted. It was too late and Bellatrix had him by the hair and pointed her wand at his neck.

"Hand over the prophecy, Potter. Don't make me use the same curse I used on his parents!" She howled. You and Harry stood your ground. She shrugged and dug her wand into his neck. "Crucio!" Seeing your friend like this was terrifying. You turned your head away from the sight and grimaced. You heard shuffled steps, slow and drawling, approach you and Harry.

"Did you actually believe, or are you truly naive enough to think, that children stood a chance against us?" Lucius asked. He gave a smirk. "I'll make this simple for you, Potter. Give me the prophecy now... or watch your friends die," he stated. You squeezed Harry's hand tighter.

"Harry, no." He looked from you to Lucius and grit his teeth. He handed the prophecy to Lucius and you felt hopeless. Lucius admired the prophecy, for once feeling some sort of accomplishment. Suddenly, Sirius was right behind Lucius. And he punched him in the face! Bright figures entered the Death Chamber.

Other Death Eaters vanished and you and Harry went to Sirius in complete joy. You knew Harry was glad he was safe, especially after the vision he had, and you most definitely were as well.

"(Y/n), why are you here? You should be at Hogwarts! It's much too dangerous here-" he began.

"Sirius, I'm fine! I'm with the Golden Trio! What could possibly go wrong?" You asked. He gave you a knowing look. "Yeah, okay, so a kid with a bounty on his head from the most powerful Dark wizard probably isn't the best idea, but we thought you were in trouble!" He gave another look, a grateful one.

"That's very kind of you both, but now you'll have to leave, all of you," he said. You and Harry went to protest, but he stopped you. "You've done fabulously keeping them busy until we got here, but we can handle it from here." A Death Eater came from behind Sirius and you and Harry grabbed your wands and shot a spell at them. Sirius smiled as you raised a brow at him, almost proving a point. The three of you got up and began fighting off Death Eaters. All of your friends returned and Tonks began grouping you in the trenches. She grabbed your arm and made you duck from a spell coming straight for you.

"Thanks," you smiled. She grinned and nodded.

"No problem." You all watched as Harry and Sirius took on Lucius and another Death Eater. As Lucius was the only one standing, Sirius took the opportunity to disarm him and knock him on his back.

Quickly, from above you, Bellatrix appeared and shot a curse at Sirius, hitting him square in the chest. He stood still for a moment, earning a concerned look from you and Harry, before falling backward and through the veil. Slowly, he disappeared. Harry went to get him, but Remus ran up and held onto Harry. You were frozen for a moment before you tried to climb up the trench wall and find your father. You felt your heart shatter and Tonks grabbed your arms and pulled you back down and onto the ground and she held you as you sobbed.

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