Sirius Black; Who's Your Mommy?

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"Black! I swear to Merlin I will skin you myself if I catch you throwing another airplane at my head!" She yelled throughout the class.

"For Godric's sake, (L/n)! Could your tighty whiteys be in anymore of a bunch for me? Honestly, I understand you want to get a load of the Sirius Black, but it's not happening, sweetheart. I just don't fancy you that way." She stood from her seat.

"Professor, I do apologize for what I might do in your class and I also plan on serving any detention you give, but this needs to stop." She nodded sorrily to McGonagall.

"Oh, Miss (L/n), I trust you'll give Mister Black what's coming to him," she said with a nod. (Y/n) grinned and walked promptly to Sirius's desk.

"Sirius Orion Black," she started in a hiss, "if I ever catch you within twenty feet of me, I will personally talk to Albus Dumbledore about transferring classes if I have to! Not to mention if you prank me, touch me, talk to me, or breathe the same air as me; I will personally pummel you to a pulp and hex you myself!" She growled, now leaning over his bent over form.

"Go get him, (Y/n)," James said from next to his friend.

"Same goes to you James!" She said still looking Sirius dead in the eye.

"Well, personally, I believe they deserve whatever you give them, Miss (L/n)." She straightened and looked to Remus a row behind them.

"Thank you, Lupin." She turned and sat back down. "Continue Professor," she said and quietly wrote on her parchment. James leaned toward his friend.

"I think you've met your match, Padfoot." Sirius sent a glare to his friend.

"Not quite yet, Prongs. I've got a plan."

A plan indeed. After that lesson in Transfiguration he messed with poor (Y/n) even more. Each time earning him a hard slap when she caught him. He didn't see it, but his friends caught on right away. He fancied her.

One day, a month after the plane incident, he and the boys were walking down to the Black Lake to goof off before next period. As they got to their normal spot by their tree Sirius heard a rustle above him. He looked up to see (Y/n), almost all the way up her skirt, to which he moved his head to get a better look at.

"You pig!" She gasped and dropped down on him, tumbling to the ground. She sat up and immediately sat on him and started hitting his chest. "I can understand the pranks, and the annoying, aggravating smartass remarks, but looking up my skirt! That's a whole new low, even for the charming and daring Sirius Black!" He caught her hands and flipped her on her back.

"Well if you didn't want me looking you shouldn't've worn it. You know I think you sometimes enjoy my pranks and frivolous remarks, love. You fancy me and you're looking for a good shagging with the one and only Sirius Black! Well, baby if it's a shag with Sirius you want a shag with Sirius you'll get!" He exclaimed and pulled her in for a kiss. As soon as she got ahold of herself she pulled away and rolled him over.

"Godric, why are you so thick?! I don't want a shag, I want to get even!" He smirked and flipped her once more and pinned her on her stomach.

"Who's your daddy, love? Who is it? Who's your daddy?"

"Merlins beard, not you!" She turned under him, kneed him in his groin and put his arm between his shoulder blades. "Who's your mommy, Sirius? Go on, who is it?" She asked. The boys snickered.

"Boys, now would be a good time to help me out, don't you think!"

"You're on your own, Sirius," Remus told.

"I wish you the best of luck, mate. I really do. But, I wish I had a camera right about now! You should see yourself, Snuffles!" James chuckled.

"You didn't answer my question, 'Snuffles'!"

"How about I take you on a date to Hogsmeade instead?" He asked, his face in the dirt.

"Buy me a butterbeer and we'll see how it goes," she said in his ear. "I'll see ya later, Sirius." She kissed his cheek and let him go before walking to Hagrids hut for some tea.

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