Telepathy (1/3); Remus Lupin

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I've decided to make the next set of imagines about what it'd be like to be able to read and share thoughts with each of the marauders and what would be and and... yeah. This might just be little like. "Blips" of what it'd be like, not, like, a whole story

Also. Hi again lol


Being able to hear what Remus was thinking is about as fun as you'd expect it to be. Every day it was,

'Potions this,'


'Defense Against the Dark Arts that.'

All the bugger did was think about classes. No

'I wonder what my girlfriend looks like naked,'


'Gods, (Y/n) is so bloody gorgeous.'

"You know I can hear you complaining about me, right?" Remus mumbled from his table, looking down at a book. You rolled your eyes and continued perusing the titles and old bindings of the literature in front of you.

'That's, like, the whole point, you knob.'

"I'm not a knob. I'm studious. Something you could be a bit more of," he commented, uninterestedly. You sat next to him with a huff, arms folded over your chest.

"You're a bit of a knob, Remy," you said, smiling lightly. "And why should I be more studious when I've got a brilliant boyfriend to teach me everything I need to know?" You asked with a smirk.

"Well, (Y/n), sometimes it's better to learn things on your own," he told, clearly not paying attention to you. Your smirk evaporated and you leant your head on his upper arm, cheek smushed between your teeth and the fabric of his jumper. You glanced at what he was reading.

"What are you studying, anyway?" A hint of suspicion in your voice. He let out a brief sigh.

"I'm trying to figure out how to reverse the bloody curse you put on us."

"I didn't curse us! I was just trying to know what you were thinking because of how stony you are sometimes. I didn't think my thoughts would be given to you! Besides, if I knew how boring your thoughts were I wouldn't have bothered," you huffed. You heard him exhale a breath from above you and you glanced up at him.

His eyes hadn't left the book, but the corners of his mouth had tilted upwards. His scars weren't very noticeable in the dim candle light the library offered and he looked like he was at peace for once. He always looked so calm, scars or not. He was always a handsome young man. You noted to yourself that the next full moon was just around the corner and soon there would be a new addition to the collection of cicatrix that we're currently residing on his face.

"I can still hear you, love," he consoled tenderly. You felt your cheeks warm up as he finally tore his eyes away from the book and brought them down to you. His chestnut eyes looked so intensely deep and mysterious, but also kind and entrancing. You felt like you were going to drown. He gave you a light shove with the arm you were leaning on and smiled, looking to his other side.

"Stop thinking like that. You're making me blush," he smiled. You couldn't tell if he was mocking you or being serious. "A bit of both, dear." You grinned, rolling your eyes.

"You're lucky I fancy you, or I'd wallop you right here," you laughed. He turned to look at you again, smiling in fake shock.

"I don't think there's a world where you don't fancy me, love," he retorted with a taunting grin. You shook your head with a smile. He put an arm around you and held your face with his other hand and leant in to close the space.

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