Remus Lupin; the Good Snake

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Fourth year! More time to spend in Hogsmeade, more time with friends, more Quidditch games, more friends. Though not many people wanted to be your friend because of your house.

That's right, you were Slytherin (please for story purposes go with it. Even if it's not your house) and Sirius's twin sister. People thought you were unkind because of your house. It was very prejudice. You, in all honesty, were the nicest Slytherin there was and tried teaching younger years to be that way as well. People in your year hated you for it. You had friends in other houses though.

You were friends with the same people as your brother. James Potter, Lily Evans, Molly Prewett, Frank Longbottom and his girlfriend, Alice, and finally, the sweet and innocent Remus Lupin. Little buggar has stolen your heart in second year. You tried to keep discreet about fancying him, but James and Sirius said it was utterly obvious.

Other Slytherins, such as the ones that valued blood status, Lucius Malfoy and co., were some of the few in your house to hate you for your kindness. If you had a choice you'd have been in a different house. Something less malevolent. But your parents were both Slytherins and wouldn't be happy with anything but. When the Sorting Hat said you'd do good in (actual house) you quickly asked it to put you in Slytherin, hoping not to anger your parents like you knew Sirius would with his house. So you were Slytherin.

It wasn't terrible. You had almost all classes with Gryffindors, so it worked out in the long run.


The train ride, though as boring as it may be, was one of your favorite part about going to Hogwarts. Seeing your friends, eating a mountain of sweets. What could be better?

"So, Lily, what'd you do over your summer vacation?" You asked. She rolled her eyes.

"Oh Lily, please tell us! Was it Petunia? Was she horrid to you about being a witch?" Alice asked.

"I say she's jealous. Next time she gets snotty and sticks her nose up, blast her with a hex!" Molly said.

"I'm not going to hex my sister, Molly!"

"I would," she mumbled. Lily sighed and smiled.

"I talked to a muggle boy at a shop in town."

"Was he cute?"

"Could you fancy him more than you do James?" Lily scoffed at your comment.

"I don't fancy James!" She exclaimed. Not a second later the Marauders came into your cubby.

"Did someone call for brilliance?" James asked, laying next to Lily and putting his hands behind his head and resting it on her lap. She stood quickly and he fell off the seat.

"The complete opposite actually," she told. Everyone chuckled except for James.

"Come on, chap, dust yourself off," Remus said, picking up James with a smile and helping him brush off.

"Thanks Moony." Remus nodded and sat next to you.

"How was your vacation?" He asked quietly, turning to look at you. It was like he was only looking at you. There was only you and him. Your own little universe.

Sirius cleared his throat and you blinked.

"Oh, um, it was.. it was average. Didn't really do much. Being out in the country isn't as fun as it sounds."

"No one said it sounded fun, love," Sirius snarked. You glared at him and kicked his shin.

"Ow!" He yelped. You smirked.

"You love me," you told. He smiled contentedly at you, making you shake your head. "How was your summer Remus?"

"Oh, you know. Parents and I made dinner from scratch every night, we spent nights camping out watching fireflies. We went to museum one-"

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