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I don't normally believe in wish making, especially on eleven eleven. It seems, well, unrealistic. Does anyone really believe time will help them with a wish?
Even though it seems dull-witted, and outright foolish, my eleven eleven is that nothing bad happens tonight. Like I said, I'll only go for a drink or two, then leave; as I'm not going to ignore Sarah's invite. I find myself at Circus Liquor, near the outskirts of LA, buying my choices of alcohol. Jack Daniel's, Fireball Whiskey, and Grey Goose vodka for the fucks of it. I hand the clerk a Benjamin and almost receive twenty in change, as I also bought a pack of Marlboro cigarettes.
I walk through the pothole filled parking lot and get back to the car. The liquor taking up the shotgun seat, and then I drive away.

Dottie and Elwood being taken care of, if you were wondering. Z took them out and agreed to stay with them until I get back. A red light causes me to stop abruptly, almost sending the liquor and I flying. I sigh, and catch my breath. While stopped, I pry open the glove box, and dig through it; quickly finding what I was looking for.
A silver charm bracelet. It might seem like nothing, but it was the last gift Brendon ever gave to me. On my 25th birthday, first time we'd seen each other since the split, he gave me a little box. Inside, was a chain-linked charm bracelet. Attached to it, were the little charms, a sun, a moon, and two guitars. 

A horn honk from the car behind me startles me, and I step on the gas pedal. Shortly after, my phone alerted me that I got a text message.
"I'll read it at the next stop.." I mutter to myself. Once I reach a stop sign, I fish for my phone in my pocket, and unlock it, a wallpaper of Dottie and Elwood greets me. Love my kids. 

Jon👡: did you get a letter??

Spencer🎸: R U going 2 Brendon's?

I respond 'yes' to Jon and 'only for a drink or two🤔🍾🍺' to Spencer.

Jon👡: what time are you going? And do you want to show up together??

Me: Sure, I'm about 15 min. away

Jon👡: 🙆

I smiled, and returned my phone to my darkened pocket, and began to drive off. Thought zoomed through my head on what might happen tonight.
Just act natural around him. Just act natural .. I say to myself, gripping the steering wheel, my palms sweating. In my head I've got a list about thirty things that can go wrong tonight.. Including 'Drunk Brendon' and 'fist fight with the new band members'.

"God, if you're there, it's me, Ryan," I grin, "anyways, can you just help me out? Maybe Brendon and I can get along again? Without him being a salty bitch?" I laugh, I'm not religious, or much of a prayer, but hey, it's worth it, "Seriously, I just want change. . I want to clear up all my conflicts with him and celebrate with a few drinks.." I hadn't noticed the tears filling my eyes, until I felt them run down my cheeks, and land on my thigh.

I pull over onto the side of the road, "Wow, I'm crying.." I chuckle, and wipe the fresh tears off my face.
Stop crying, stop crying..
I tell myself, and get myself together. Tonight I'm gonna have a good time.. Nothing bad will happen .. I grab the charm bracelet, and lock it around my wrist. A conversation starter..  That's all the bracelet will probably mean to him, but it means everything to me..


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