12:22 am

212 7 10


Well it turns out, Jon is late, and I haven't seen him. Due to Jon not being on time, has me parked at the end of Brendon's street. Awkward much? Yea, definitely.. I've seen about two or three people go into what I think is Brendon's place, but then again, I don't know. I'm just scared out of my mind.

I gnawed on my already short finger nails, and bounced my leg rapidly. As I was chewing on my thumb, my phone started ringing, Jon thankfully. I answered immediately.

"Ryan, I'm already driving around in the area, where are you?"

"I'm parked at the edge of his street.." Just then, I see Jon almost drive past me, but I give a light honk to him to notify him that I was right there, our eyes meet for a few seconds, "Park right there, and I'll meet you at his mailbox.." I smile, and then hand up. Jon does as I told him to. I grab the various liquor bottles from the shotgun seat, and put my phone in my leather jacket's pockets before exiting the car.

I stand by the mailbox, and as Jon approaches, we both have wide arms and give each other a hug. How long has it been? Almost nine years?

"Good to see you, " he says, and we break our hug.

I grin, "Nice to see you too, Jon.."

Do we start small talk here or inside?

"Uh.. So, shall we go in?" Jon suggests, with much awkwardness.

"Oh, yea, definitely," I laugh, "poor neighbors probably think we're about to rob them or something..Let's try to enjoy ourselves at this, probably lame, 'Dad Fest', y'know?" We both start walking to Brendon's front door, chuckling together. Once at our 'destination', I knock on the door, I can already smell various types of alcohol from out here.

"What did you bring by the way?" I ask Jon, curious as I didn't see a bag, maybe he left it in the car.

"Oh, yea, I got weed for all of us! I mean, come on, this is the first time, in a long time, all of us are going to be hanging out together.. And the best memories that we had during Pretty. Odd. was writing the songs on this.."

"Yea, good times, good times.." I smile with a devilish grin.

I hold my breath when I hear the doorknob click,

It's Brendon, "Hey-" he stops, and begins to look at Jon and I like we have an extra head or two on our shoulders. It's like watching a real life 'white guy blinking' meme. He's what the kids would call 'shook'.

"Jon! I'm so glad you and.. Uh.. Um.." he trails off and then breaks into a coughing fit, "RYAN, could make it out.." I study Brendon for a few seconds, skin tight black jeans, burgundy t-shirt, advertising Panic!'s first album, only very little detail, and some matte black Adidas. Our eyes meet after he catches me checking him out.

"Are you gonna come in or not?" He says with slight bitter and salt in his voice, his breath smells like shit. And then I realized Jon already walked in without me.

"Yea.." Is that all I know how to say? I take a few steps into the house, it's slightly bigger than mine. I imagine that it smells nice, but I can't tell, this place smalls like all kinds of alcohol, drugs, and body fluids. I look around for Jon, he's already starting a conversation with Spencer. Brendon walks off to another room, phone in hands, probably calling Sarah. I put the brown bag of liquor I brought onto the bar.

I watch him go into what I think is a home office, and when I think no one is looking, I trail behind him, and sit behind the closed door

"Sarah! Why is he here? You told me the guys were coming over-" a pause, "I know I can't throw him out, it's just we've had a past, and we haven't talked in YeARs.." silence, "Alright, well thanks for helping out! Bye!" I heard a crash come from inside the room, he must've thrown his phone. I quickly get up, and start walking away, unfortunately, Brendon caught me.

"What're you doing?"

"Oh, Uh.. I was just wondering where the bathroom was.." I lied.

He looks at me with judging eye, "Two doors down on the left.." He pushes past me, bumping into my shoulder. Following my lie, I pretend to use the bathroom, as well as turning on the sink to make it seem as if I'm washing my hands.

When I get back to the living room, the smell of weed hits me. A smell so strong, I could get high from second-hand smoke. I notice Jon started passing the weed around, and everyone got ahold of some. Even Brendon lit a blunt, but it wasn't a secret to the world that he smoked weed.

"RYyyAaaaaNNN," Jon calls, waving his hands rapidly in the air, "CoME OnnNNN, tHIS is what the kid's call a LIT pARty nowadays.." he seems so happy. He hands me an already rolled blunt and lights it for me. All the guys seem pretty happy. Dallon keeps giving death stares to Brendon, but I think that'll clear up. That Dan and Kenneth guy keep whispering to each other between sips of tequila and beer. They're fine though.. Doing jussssst fine.

Within seconds,( or minutes, I don't know, ) Brendon was doing a body shots off Spencer, and was trying to convince everyone else to join him.

"You guys are nO FUCKING FUN!" He yelled, then turns to me, "RYaNNNnnn," Brendon (three Brendon's) licked his lips, and started tugging at my jacket, "Do a body shot with meee.. Pleeassee, you can do one off me too.."

"S-suree," I stuttered out, and before I knew it, Brendon Urie had picked me up and practically threw me onto the bar, banging my head against it. He where he then poured alcohol onto my stomach, climbed between my legs, and slurped it up. His tongue slithered all around my stomach, making sure he got every last bit of liquor.

His back arches when my tongue makes contact with his skin, I drink the vodka as fast as possible, and nibble on his V-line. He laughs, saying it tickles, and his fingers are tangled in my hair.

I overhear somebody say, "I've just had a talk with God, he's pretty cool, and he said one of you guys are doing anal tonight, so I think I saw some protection in the kitchen.."

"That's saran wrap.." Brendon responds, drunk out of his mind.

"And you said this was going to be some lame 'Dad Fest', didn't you, Ryan?" Jon says, smirking at me.


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