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I think it's been an hour after Dallon wanted to fight Brendon. Since then, Spencer, Jon, and I have tried the best to keep them seperated; keeping Dallon inside, and Brendon outside. The thing was- the party kept going on inside, everybody kept getting turnt and fucked up, and Brendon Urie had nothing to do with the entire thing.

I opened the glass door to the backyard area where he sat at a glass table. The bottle of Jack that I brought sitting still next to his hand, he takes a drag of  a cigarette, and then exhales it. I see translucent smoke in the air shortly after. "Hey," I take a seat across the glass table, and stare into the baby blue pool.

"I didn't know you were still here.." he taps the cigarette between his fingers,"Is everyone still here? I mean- I hate to be rude, but come on, Dallon tried to fight me. Not that I wasn't down for it, but that's kind of a buzzkill, y'know?"

I run my fingers through my semi-greasy hair, "Uh, yea, I guess so.." I watch him take another drag of the cigarette before he puts it out into an ashtray.

"Hey, also, I just wanted to say I'm sorry for what I said back there after you were trying to say what you were up too.." he smirks," It's just the truth, come on.." I know what he means by that, drunken nights after shows in hotel rooms, whispering dirty things into each other's ears, having rough sex on white sheets, Jon and Spencer staying outside keeping watch for us. (If that was true).

"Do you want to get in the pool?" he asks, getting up from the metal chair.

"Oh, I didn't bring any extra clothes.. If anyone gave me a heads up, then-"

Brendon takes off maroon shirt along with his pants, and throws it onto the patio, "It's called skinny dipping, Ryan." and then he removes his Calvin Klein boxers, "Care to join?" he says with a devilish grin, throwing his boxers at me.

I feel my face turn red and put them on the table, "What's in it for me?"

"Alright, Rossy. If I can jump off that balcony-" he points to the second story balcony, "and do a backflip into this pool, you're coming in with me. Deal?"

I try not to look at his cock, which has a slight erection, I shrug my shoulders, "It's a deal, Urie." I roll my eyes, trying to hide my own forming bulge under jean fabric.

As soon as I finish my sentence, he's out of sight, and my phone is out, ready to record. This is definitely not how I thought this night would go.

Without warning, I see a streak of skin splash into the water, backflipping.

"ALRIGHT, GET IN HERE ROSS!" Brendon commands, getting that poof for hair out of his face.

"Make me!" I talk back, putting my phone down, and removing my leather jacket.

"Are you serious? Do you wanna go there, Ross?" He jumps out of the pool, water dripping from his hair. He looks dead sexy.

"Make. Me." I smile. He shrugs, and 'assists' me in removing my David Bowie shirt, and soon enough, gets me out of my shoes, then pants, frantically unbuttoning them, and finally my boxers as well. He carries me and throws me into the pool, jumping in with me shortly after. I laughed as I move wet hair out of my face.

He pulls me closer, I can feel his warm breath on my neck; I know where this is going. I try not to think about it. He's a married man, he's just drunk, I tell myself. My lips don't listen to me, and neither does my throbbing cock. Instinct tells me to follow his lead, and I do. Our hands explore each other's bodies, and eventually our lips meet with the most desire we've ever felt for each other. Our kiss gets more wet and sloppier as time passes. It was nothing like our first kiss when we were young, soft and gentle. This one was more of a lustful, erotic, passionate, kiss.  I pull away to catch my breath, gasping for air. He puts a wet hand onto my cheek.

"Ryan, why don't I give you a tour of my house? We can start with my bedroom.." he whispers into my ear, I nod. Oh God, I wanted it all now. We make our way out of the pool, stopping only to kiss every now and then, grabbing our clothes, and that bottle of Jack Daniel's.

Everyone's quiet when we get back in, Brendon makes his way upstairs, and I peek around the corner to see that everyone's passed out in some weird position with their choice of drink.

"You coming, sweet boy?" Brendon calls from the top of the stairs, I nod a yes in reply and try not to slip walking up. He pecks me on the cheek when I reach him, and in a swift move, he carries me to his bedroom. It's never too early to mark his neck up, and I do that until we get there. All I saw was the framed picture of Brendon and Sarah on their wedding day above the bed before Brendon slammed me onto the perfectly made bed with white bed sheets. Shutting the door behind us.

The mahogany headboard banged against the wall, echoing it throughout the room. "You don't know how badly  I've wanted to fuck you.." Brendon moans, pinning my hips down, his dark brown chocolate eyes staring deeply into mine.

"God, I want  you to fuck me so bad.." I reply, tangling my fingers into his hair. Our clothes were on the floor, bed spread at our feet, he sucks at my neck, causing me to arch my back away from the memory foam mattress. 

"You like that?" Brendon asks, I nod rapidly, "I can do so much more, and you know that .."

"Fucking hell, just do it  then!" I whine, and he does just what I want. We start off with foreplay, Brendon takes my cock into his mouth and begins to suck me off just like old times. He bobs his head every now and then, often he'll just let his tongue do the thinking. I pray that he doesn't choke while deep-throating me; vomit will ruin the mood. I try my best to ignore the urge to come this early; we've barely started with foreplay.

"Holy shit, I miss this so much, Ry-" I stop him, and push his head downward, my eyes go to the back of my head, and I let out a moan, "God,-oh fuck-, Brendon.."

At this point, we've moved on from foreplay, getting it on with the actual sex. He's started off with a slow pace like old times, but I couldn't fucking wait any longer.

"Faster, faster!" I beg him, digging my nails into his skin, biting my lip. "FUCK!"  I miss all of this too, he just doesn't know it. Or maybe I make it way too obvious. Either way, I'm having the time of my life. Also, I'm just going to point out, Brendon has some of the most powerful thrusts you could ever imagine. We were having such a good time, his dick, my dick, his ass, my ass. And then with one powerful thrust, down goes the wedding picture and the bed goes down a few inches.

We're both sweaty messes, hair matted to our foreheads, panting, out of breath, entire bed is wet from us being in the pool, but are we done? God no. "I think you should slow down a bit, B-Bren.." I say softly, "Maybe we should switch for a while.." I request, as I was much softer and slower with him, which only made him begging for more.

"I swear to God, I've never heard a better sound, coming out when you're whimpering my name from your mouth.." He admits, and kisses me sloppily. I smile, I knew that song was about me all along, just like all the others.

We switch positions, just like old times, along with more rough sex. This feels like it's going on forever, so as goes on, I leave love bites all over his sweaty and goddamn sexy body. He does the same with me, marking me as his territory. 

"I missed this," He says, catching his breath, that smelled of alcohol, tangling his fingers into my hair, pulling me in.

"Me too," I shamelessly admit, kissing him back.

Now here we lie, heart to heart, eyes to eyes, under the white covers, mahogany bedframe broken; slanted on the floor, along with the cracked wedding picture. My eyes are closed, and the lights are off. And just as I'm drifting off, he starts talking. His voice low and groggy.

"You look so beautiful when you sleep, you know that?.. That's one thing I've missed about you.." he chuckles and then sighs, "Tonight.. God-Tonight made me realize that.. Well I.. I think maybe we should make music together again.. And hang out more.. Maybe.. We can do this again sometime-no.. I-can we just forget what happened in Cape Town? Possibly start over?" he scoffs, "Shit, I don't even know what to say right now.. I just got caught up in your eyes and..."

No, it was definitely more than my eyes, your dick was in my ass less than thirty minutes ago.. I wait for him to continue, but he says nothing for about five minutes. Then he kisses my forehead,

"Ryan, I think I'm in love with you.."


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