Chapter 18: Left out.

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The next day, we see the bat signal shining in the dark sky while we are having dinner. We all stop what we are doing and head to the bat cave to change and get ready to go. Everyone is on the jet, except for me. I'm about to go in the jet when Batman stops me.

"You are not coming" he says with his deep Batman voice.

"What? You're kidding" I say crossing my arms.

"Master Bruce doesn't joke miss Victoria." says Alfred.

"But why?"

"We'll talk about it when I get back"

"Whatever" I turn around and walk away.

I watch as they leave. Ugh! I cannot believe he left me here!.

"Don't worry miss Victoria, I'm sure it's not personal"

"Don't worry Alfred, I'm going to find out why he didn't want me with them"

"But how?"

"You'll see" normally the communicators signal can be hacked so that's what in do, hack the signal with my laptop and listen to their conversation. After five minutes I start listening to their conversation.

"Why did you do that Batman?"

"She can't come, she's not ready"

"What do you mean by she's not ready? What are you afraid of?"

"It's just..... Sometimes when I look at her I still remember that nine year old girl that lost her father. When I left you with the young justice she wasn't supposed to go with you on a mission.'

"Why didn't you tell me, I would of done things differently, she wouldn't have being kidnaped or in danger, all because of me"

"No Nightwing, it's my fault, I should have told you"

"Why didn't you bring her?"

"I don't want to lose her again, that would be too much. I don't want to lose any of you"

"Are you going to tell her?"

"I'm not sure if she's ready, I cannot get her image when she was little, I still feel like she's little and needs protection"

I stop hacking the signal. I think I've heard enough!

"Miss Victoria? Did you hack their communicators?"

"Yes I did!" I'm so mad! I just want to punch something! I go to my room and pick some pants and a sports bra. That's it! I can't let Batman think I'm weak and scared! I'm going to show him he is wrong!

"Miss Victoria, is there any way I can help you?"

I think about it for a bit.....

"Actually yes" when I was in Dick's room I got my drawing back, my new costume. I look for it in my pocket and give it to Alfred. "If you could help me with my costume that would be very nice"

"I'll see what I can do"

"But don't tell Bruce, I want to surprise him"

"Okay, you know, you remind me of young Master Grayson, he did something similar"

I find myself smiling at that thought. Then I go back to the Bat-cave to train. I have my katana and my crossbow.

I look at the screen and choose the hardest level of training.

"Miss Victoria isn't that dangerous?"

"Don't worry Alfred, just make sure to record it" I wink at him.

"Session started. Girl wonder "

Robots come out and start shooting lasers at me. No biggie, I got this. I grab my katana and start deflecting the lasers destroying all robots.

Then I start using my gymnastic skills. I've been practicing by the way. I swing one, two, three times and pass to the next moving target. For this I decide to use my crossbow and hit the target in the middle. Perfect. Now I have to use the Bo staff. I separate it in half. I start fighting the robots. Hit, hit, slide, put Bo staff together to help me get up.

"Session finished, new high score for Girl Robin"

I look at the screen and my score is in first place. Ha! Take that Bruce! I finished in one minute, but what can I say, I've train with the best teachers.

Alfred looks shocked.

"Tell me you recorded that Alfred"

"I did, that was incredible"

"Tell that to Batman"

"So miss Victoria, maybe you can help me with your suit"

"Hold on Alfred"

I walk towards the punching bag. I use my elbows and knees to hit it.

"Where did you learn that technique miss Victoria?"

"I learned it reading a book, it said that people skinny like me cannot use much muscle when fighting, it's better to use my elbows and knees"

I walk towards Alfred to show him the weapons I'm going to use, and the way I want my cape to be. I want to use a hoodie.

When I finish I go back to training. I'm taking all my anger out.

"Nine year old girl huh? I'll show you I'm not that girl anymore"

I'm interrupted by my phone. When I reach it I see it's Jason.


"Hey Victoria are you doing anything important?"

"No, I'm totally free. Why?"

"I got something for you and me to do tonight"

"And that is?"

"Just put your suit on, I'm on my way to the Manor to pick you up "

"Okay I'll be ready" I grab my suit and change.

"I'll see you later Alfred, I promise I'll be back soon"

"Be careful miss Victoria."

"Don't worry Alfred, I'll be fine."

I run upstairs and Jason is ready to go.


He takes my hand we get on his motorcycle.

"Ready Girl Robin?"

"What exactly are we going to do?"

"You'll see"

We start driving into Gotham city....................................

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