Chapter 29: i got your back

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Beep, beep , beep!!!! I hear the alarm.

Well today I have to go to school. I get up slowly and get ready. Then I walk down the stairs to meet Tim and Dick.

When I get to the dining room I see Dick wearing a Gotham Academy uniform, but why?

"Do I really look that bad?" He asks me.

"Um no" I blush. I was staring at him.

"Dick is going to school with you to keep an eye on you, just in case Joker wants to try something else" says Bruce.

"Awesome" says Tim.

"Okay, then I think you should get going. Have a nice day"

"See you later Bruce" I hug him and get in Dick's car.

"So.... I'm going to pretend I go to Gotham academy, I'm not sure if I'm going to be in class with you, I can't be with both of you at the same time"

"Oh don't worry Dick, Victoria and I have the same schedule" says Tim.

"Oh really? Then I guess I'm coming with you"

Dick parks his car and we get to school. As we walk Dick puts his arm around me.

" looks like we are going to spend a lot of together huh?"

"Just don't laugh if I don't give right answers in class"

"Okay smart girl" he smiles.

We go to class when the bell rings.

Somehow with Richard sitting next to me time seems to pass faster and soon it's time for lunch.

Tim, Dick and I sit with Jason. We are having a great time until I get a weird feeling.

"Guys" I say

"What is it?"

"Suit up. We've got company"

Then they turn and we see the joker.

"Tim! Alarm! Now!" I say.

Tim nods and runs to sound the alarm. Fortunately everyone gets out of school in time.

"Okay leader, what do we do?" Asks Dick "uh Victoria? Where are you?"

"Look behind you!" I say jumping from a tree and knocking down some clown faces.

"Thanks. How did you change so fast?"

"I don't know, get down!"

"Hey, I'm supposed to be the protector remember?"

I smile at him. "Wait! Where's Jason?"

"Oh no"

I have to find him before he kills someone. I scan the school and see him getting ready for a fight with the Joker.

"Jason stop!" I jump on him to knock him down.

"Hey!" He protested "he has to pay for what he's done!"

"This is not the right way to do it Jason!"

"I can't let him hurt any more people!"

"I know, just don't"


"Um guys?" I hear Tim's voice "sorry to interrupt but I need some help"

"Right" Jason and I say at the same time.

There are too many clowns everywhere. I try to look for Richard but I can't see him....

A group of clowns come attack me.

Just remember if you are in the middle of a fight, don't get distracted....

At first I handle the fight very well but after a while I start getting tired....

I get a punch in the face and a kick on my ribs. The last one really hurts. I fall to the ground... I try to fight back but I can't. At least I hope everyone else is okay.

Just when I'm about to close my eyes I see Nightwing. He still has a lot energy.

I see him knock out clown after clown until all are down.

He comes close to me and offers me his hand. "Miss me leader?"

"Agh. Don't call me leader. I don't like it. Thanks by the way"

"No problem. We have to protect and take care of each other"

"Well that was fun" says Jason with a smile "anyone wants to get some pizza?"

"I agree with Jason" Tim says

"Last go then" Jason and Tim get on their motorcycles.

"So... You wanna take a ride with me?" Dick asks me.

"Sure bird boy"

I put my arms around his waist and we drive to the nearest pizza place, which is near my father's house.

We get a table and Dick and Tim go order the pizza.

I can't stop thinking of my father and my mother of course.

"Maybe you should go visit her" says Jason.

"I'm not sure Jason"

"Hey if anything happens you know I live nearby"

"Thanks Jason" I hug him.

When we finish eating we go back to the Manor. I think I'm going to visit my mother but I have to tell Bruce.

"Hey Vanessa, want to play video games with Jason, Dick and me?"

"Sure Tim, but just for a little bit"

After a while Bruce gets home, it's time to ask him.

"Hey Bruce?"

"Yes Victoria."

"I was wondering if I could stay with my mother for a week"

"I'm not sure, it could be dangerous"

"Jason lives nearby"

"Okay, but only if you keep in touch and let me keep an eye on you"

"Sure, no problem. Thank you very much Bruce" I hug him and go to my room to pack my things.

"Woah, hold in a second, where are you going? You are not leaving us are you Victoria?" Ask Dick.

"Of course not Dick, why would I do that"

"Where are you going then?"

"I'm going to visit my mother"

"For how long?"

"I'm not sure, maybe a week or a month, it depends on Bruce" I close my backpack and get ready to go. "I'll see you soon Dick" I hug him.

"Can I at least take you there?"

"Okay bird boy, just let me say goodbye"

Dick takes me to my mother's house and helps me with my bags.

"I'm so happy you are here" says my mother. "This handsome boy must be Richard Grayson"

"Nice to meet you" he says with a smile.

"Thank you very much Dick, I'll see you soon"

"Keep in touch"

I watch Dick as he leaves back to the Manor. I already miss everyone but it's time to be with my mother and get in ballet lessons....

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