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A million things piss me off. One of these is drunk drivers, and another is adults, but who am I to bitch and moan about the economical struggles of today. It's all apoplectic, jarred, and frankly god damn stupid.

Now you all are probably staring at their computer screens with open mouths and saying "no shit Tatiana, but what's pissed you off this time?"

Well, my fine fucks, I'm here to tell you.

It's the word nigger.

Now I bet about all of you are looking at your screens with dumb ass looks on your faces.... You all may be saying "but, oh my god, Tatiana, it's just a word!"

No it isn't. It's so much more. You're lucky you have me here, because I feel I am the only educated ass out there on the internet ranting about issues and situations that particularly irk me... and issues that you stupid fucks can't seem to think about.

This one really makes me want to kill someone.

I know all you shit heads out there have used this word on many occasions, especially the whites. Oh yes fuckers, you all are in on this too, and don't tell me I'm wrong because, oh shit! I'm Black. That automatically dubs me as someone who knows about this shit, and, trust me; I know it well enough to bitch about it.

Everyone of every nationality uses this word, and it's now called a slang word. The word used to mean this.

"A dark skinned individual. Non offensive in those days, this word merely described someone who was of the dark skinned caliber."

Moreover, guess who invented the word? That's right you fuckers, the whites did.

Here's a definition that will make you all shit your pants.

This is what nigger means today.

Slang: Extremely Disparaging and Offensive. A person of any race or origin regarded as contemptible, inferior, ignorant, etc.

That's an interesting definition don't you think? But here's a question that I've been pondering over for some time. Who is the real nigger?

I bet you shit heads didn't even think about that did you? Oh, hold on a minute, it's still them black people, you may say, but is that really the case.

No, you bastards. No.

I'll tell you who the real niggers are. I'm shocked you dip shits can't even figure it out. It's so simple... just look at the definition above. It describes this race perfectly.

It's the goddamn white people.

Yes folks, the true nigger is the goddamn white people. I know you fucks are going to try to prove me wrong and flame my ass, but please don't. I don't need shitty comments from you all. Want to know why I think the white man, the man who is rich, the man who can speak properly, the man who invented the very definition of the word slave is the true nigger?

Because we're ignorant stupid shits.

With the exception of me of course. (Lol.. kidding.)

Here's my epitomical bullshit coming back to bite you all in the ass. 

You all deserve it anyway, you stupid niggers. Just because your white doesn't mean you're not a nigger.

The whites are a classic example of the definition used today. Just to prove my point, I'm going to post the definition again so you niggers, whites, can see what you really are.

Slang: Extremely Disparaging and Offensive. A person of any race or origin regarded as contemptible, inferior, ignorant, etc.

Don't even try to tell me bullshit, but it's true. Here's a classic example.

When a white nigger says that a black person does crack, and nothing else, and all of them are thugs and or gangsters. The nigger in this case is actually the dumb fuck white dude. He's being prejudice, am I correct? So, if this ass wipe is being prejudice, than he's judging, which means he's assuming, which means he's showing just ignorant his dumbass actually is, and he even has the balls to call the black person the nigger, when he, in fact, is the true nigger.

Now when you call someone a nigger, aren't you calling him or her lower than dirt, shit, stupid fucks? Yes you are bitches, yes you are. But by calling someone else a nigger, your dumbass just instantly marked yourself as one. Some white person uses nigger, and bam, he's instantly just as ignorant as his ass crack, so then, wouldn't that make this oh great shithead a nigger?

Yes my friends, yes it would... at least by today's definition anyway.

Let's use another example, okay? Just because I'm good like that.

Let's take your average white Joe at the store... okay? He walks past some black dude speaking Ebonics into a candy bar style cell phone. His attire is dressy and even flashy, and Joe's attire is somewhat plain, with a T-shirt and jeans. He walks past the black dude and overhears him talking to his brother on the other end of the line.

"You be tripping." The black man says, and Joe just shakes his head.

"fucking niggers." Joe mutters and walks on.

Oh, did I mention that this black man happens to be a retired cop, lawyer, teacher, his IQ is 156, and he volunteers at his church? Well, sorry if I didn't, but now I did.

Joe called the black man a nigger, but he's obviously well educated, and he obviously isn't ignorant...

So how can he be a nigger aside from his dark skin? The word nigger today isn't used for just someone who has dark skin; dumb fucking white people use it to call other black people stupid and ignorant... Joe used it because he assumed that the black man was ignorant and or stupid, all because he heard him use a little bit of black slang. So by assuming, isn't Joe being the stupid shit? Isn't Joe being the ignorant ass that he accused the black person of being? Guess what stupid fucks, that's the definition of a nigger, and Joe, the lily-white dude, is definitely the biggest nigger I have ever seen.

There's niggers everywhere, but I think that the white man, with all its superiority, is the true nigger.

Everyday people judge and people think the other is inferior. By judging though, you're putting a huge sign on your back that says one thing and one thing only. "I'm ignorant because I'm a douche! Want to know why I'm a douche bag, because I stereotype and play in the street!" many white people assume that the word nigger only pertains to the blacks. Let me tell you something ass fuckers, some of the whites are the biggest niggers I've ever seen. Their condescending, rude, bitchy, judgmental, and some are so dumb that they will even hold black people under them by labeling them as a nigger. These are some of the worst niggers I've seen, white niggers who act like your average jerry Springer fuck tard. Black people, for the most part, don't even pre judge others, they don't hold people accountable for some stupid action they haven't fucking done yet. My fellow white ass eaters however will predict a black person's action faster than they have sex with a stranger, which is pretty fast, let me tell you

All I'm saying is that the true nigger, the one who is honestly the darkest soul on this earth, just may be that white dip shit behind the counter. I can never call a fellow black person a nigger, because I know someone who is a huge fucking nigger. I know a group of people who have always been stupid niggers, and I do not think that will ever change. It is the whites. A nigger isn't some respectable black man who has a job and supports a family, a nigger is the prejudice  bitch sneering at the black man and calling him the one thing that dumb fuck is, was, and forever will be,, a fucking no good, judging, dumbass, closed minded, piece of shit nigger.

My god... I sure do hate niggers, don't you?

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