Adults pt1

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I can't believe fucking teachers these days. No scratch that.. I just can't believe fucking adults in general, so I guess that also applies. But really, what the fuck are they thinking?

When a student does an amazing job on an assignment it's not a reason to announce it to the class. You might think, "Oh, well. The kid gets some praise."

Hell no brotha.

Guess what? Everyone fucking child in that class is affected. The kids who worked hard and don't have their names called? They feel unappreciated and extremely stupid. The kids who might not have worked hard but still made an effort of some sort? They've got a new excuse not to try at all. And what about those who got their names announced to the class? How do they feel?

Not happy, as that teacher must think.

Oh fucking no. They've been singled out as the smart one, the perfect one, and the one to direct hatred towards.

"I didn't get a good grade. Must be her fault."

"The teacher hates me – must be his fault."

In truth, it's not the student's fault! Why can't anyone see this and sympathize?? It's the teacher who decided (stupidly) that they should share the names of those who did a good job with an entire class. Who knows what they were thinking at the time – possibly, they weren't thinking clearly or in some cases not at all...

But seriously, sliding down in a seat isn't a sign of happiness. I'd think a teacher would know that by now. And when have you ever been singled out in class knowing that something you don't know anything about was going to be asked? I'm just so sure you sat right up and gave the correct answer on your first try, all smiles.

And what gives them the fucking right to single these people out, maybe even read part of their work out loud? Did the student give permission? Hahahahahahaha, a likely story.

I mean, I've had my work read out loud in class because I did a good job – but my teacher had the courtesy to tell me he wanted to and to block out my name. Isn't that common sense?

It makes me so angry to know that out there kids who try hard in school are punished this way unnecessarily.

I'm used to writing debate papers, and I want to give the other side so I can just rip up that other argument and shove it up their asses.

But this time I don't even care if the teachers had good intentions – and I'm sure the wrongly labeled 'teacher's pet's could care less than I do. I know it's not fair to not present both sides, but really, these teachers weren't thinking of both sides so why should I? \

I'm not going to waste my time thinking like these idotic teachers were.

Haven't these people heard of pulling students aside to talk privately? It's a wonderful time to give someone praise. Just thought some teachers should know. Because, you know, you don't always have to embarrass kids....

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