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Ariana's pov

I ran as fast as I could, that hasn't changed. It frightened me, honestly I was about to have a panic attack. So I ran. I ran all the way to James's flat where he was still living with Barb, it took 20 minutes to drive there...but I ran all the way there. A little more than halfway there I took off my heels. I got there panting and sweeting. I barged in and stuttered he...ran...back...Liam. Then everything went black.

Niall's Pov

"Liam what the hell was that?" Harry asked confused and curious as to why Ariana ran out if here like her life depended on it. " Um..I..erm...kind if maybe accidentally possibly bullied Ari." Liam said so softly I almost didn't understand...but I did. I can't believe daddy direction was a bully! Judging by the way Ariana ran out of here he must have scared her pretty bad. "what?!?!?" all the other guys yelled. " I didn't mean to take it that far. Ari just angered me when she was to weak to defend her self. I feel bad about it I do...but it was her fault." Liam said looking not even slightly phased by what he did." Are you kidding me?!?!" I yelled. "it's her fault that you bullied her? What did you do to her, you broke her I have know her for less than 10 minutes but I can tell she is truly broken."

"If she fought back it would have been different." He snapped back. why was he snapping at me? He is the turd nugget that bullied Ari to the point where she ran out scared to death in record time, plus she was wearing heels! I looked around and Harry and Louis were gone. I looked over to Zayn.n"where did they go?" I asked. "They a went to look for Ari" he responded glaring at Liam. "Why? why did you bully her?" I asked my voice hoarse and just above a whisper.


Liam's Pov

"Hey Kelsey!" I shouted running up to the girl I have liked since 3rd grade. " umm hi" she said awkwardly. Oh god I can't do this why am I talking to her, I am not ready. "well um..I..was wondering if you would like to go to the theater with me sometime?" I asked nervously and stuttering in the beginning. " Me? go to the theater with you? No way, your so nerdy you belong with someone like Ariana! haha nice try though." she said laughing like it was the funniest thing in the world as she walked away. I was heart broken, she thought so lowly of me I was sitting out in the hall way classes had already started. I was in tears when a soft voice started to comfort me. When I looked up it was Ariana. She was rubbing my back embarrassing me in a warm hug. Then I remembered what Kelsey told me..." your so belong with someone like Ariana!" I instantly froze. I finally was able to stop crying and pushed Ariana off of me, she stumbled backward and fell off the bench we were on. She was the reason Kelsey didn't like me, I never talked to Ariana. She was either bullied by the everyone or she was ignored, I chose to ignore her. But now... she is the reason Kelsey doesn't like me so therefor it's her fault, I now hate her. "Are you ok?" Her soft gentle voice spoke barley above a whisper as she stood up looking like she was I pain. "I was, then you destroyed everything!" I shouted slapping her hard across the face. " I'm sorry." She squeaked not knowing what she did wrong, that's when I saw hand printed marked across her cheek, her eyes filled with tears. "You are the reason Kelsey doesn't like me, she thinks I am nerdy, She thinks I belong with someone like you! No one belongs with you, you are to ugly, worthless, weak, damaged and to pathetic to belong with anyone. I hit her again...and again...and again. I left her there in the halls as the bell rang. she couldn't get up...the kids just walked around her not caring to help her up or they just kicked her and stepped on her. Nobody cared enough to help her. Neither did I.

******flashback over*****

James's Pov

I was sitting in the living room watching friends, when Ari bursts in the door. She was panting and sweating, she said a few words but all I heard was "Liam". I was about to ask her what the hell happened when she collapsed, she was to far away from me and I couldn't catch her. She fell to the floor hitting her head with a loud thump. Barbra came running down the stairs. " what the hell was that bang?" she asked panic laced I her tone. "Ari, she ran in her panting and sweating she mumbled some things but all I heard was "Liam" and then she collapsed and hit her head." I informed Barbra in one breathe not stopping for air once. " Liam...thats not good. how did she get here? Is her car out there?" she asked looking out the window. "I think she ran which is why she collapsed." I stated setting her down on the couch and walking in the kitchen to get ice for her head. " Ya I think so too, her car is not outside either." she stated sitting down next to Ari brushing the strands of hair out of her pale face. "we should let her rest and see how she is in the morning." I told Barbra picking Ari up and taking her to my room. "she can sleep in my room and I will hang out downstairs and crash on the couch." I said carrying Ari's peaceful body up the stairs. she is so thin, I just now noticed how tiny she is, she weighs like 50 pounds! well not really, but it seems like it. "Ok I am going to bed as well see you in the morning." Barbra said as she yawned and walked into her room shutting the door behind her. "goodnight" I whispered to Ari as I kissed her forehead, and left also shutting the door behind me.


Hi guys, sorry I haven't updated in so long u was so busy and a lot if stuff happened this weekend. I will try to update as much as possible this week to make up for it. comment who you want Ariana to be with! vote and comment! ily


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