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Hey guys I just wanted to say 700 reads...I can't even thank you guys enough. Honestly I didn't even think I would get 100 reads thank you guys so much honestly:) anyways I am trying to update as much as possible but the reads went from 600 to 700 in one day so I am updating again because I feel like that many people read it so they would want me to update it so here you go enjoy the chappie! Every comment and vote means the world to me and I read every single comment so if you have any comments or suggestions let me know:)!!

Ariana's Pov

I got out of the hospital early this morning. I am pacing around my room trying to get the courage to call Justin back. What if he yells at me? what if he bullies me? Worst of all what if he hates me and tells everyone? No.stop.Ari Justin would never do that he can't even kill an ant without apologizing right? All of this is to stressful I can't take my mind off this. Maybe I should take a nap and call him after. Ya that's what I am going to do! So I changed into pj's and turned my phone climbing in bed falling asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

Justin's Pov

I keep calling and texting her! I have left close to 150 texts and voicemails. She Is not answering. Does she thing I will yell at her? What if she thinks I will start to bully and hurt her? Or worse what if she thinks I hate her and I am going to tell everyone? This is bad...that's why she isn't answering my calls or texts she has been here a little under 4 years. I should text Niall he would be a big help! She is so broken, she is so fragile and scared her past will come back she can't even tell me about it. She never shows her true emotions. Ever. She hides it all behind a mask if giggles and smiles when inside she is broken and in need if repair. But she is not a broken toy you can glue the pieces back onto, she is a human and she needs to heal, she needs people she can trust and care about. Niall and the other boys could help get her courage and help make her smile. They are so fun and chill to be around. They would be perfect in helping me heal Ari! I grabbed my phone and sent Niall a text asking when they would be in America since they were on tour he told me "in a few days". Perfect I have enough time to gain Ari's trust and start the fixing process.

Niall's Pov

I was playing FIFA with Liam and a Zayn when my phone buzzed. I read the text quickly it was from Justin and he wanted to know when we would be in America. I told Him "in a few days " and he respond shortly with "I have someone I want you and the boys to meet. " hmmm who could it be? is this person a boy or a girl? Is it a friend or family member? What if he has a new girlfriend? His last girlfriend dumped him and he hasn't dated ever since. This just left me with so many unanswered questions. "hey mate you ok" Liam asked in a worried tone." ya...Justin just texted. he wants us to meet someone when we tour in California, but he told me nothing about this person not even a name or gender. He told me absolutely nothing except he wants us to meet this person." I said looking down shaking my head. " who do you think this person could be? do you think they are famous or a family member? Possibly secret sibling he never told anyone one about? Liam asked to try and figure this out as well. " I don't no anything just that we are meeting a mystery person when we go to California. I told Justin a few days, but its only two days well three if you count the rest of today...I don't know if I can take not knowing anything about this person much longer." I told Liam truthfully. " Well since he said we are meeting this person I am just as curious Louis said plonking down on the couch with the rest of the boys nodding in agreement. Wow I was thinking so much I didn't even know Lou and Harry came into this conversation.

Ariana's Pov

I woke up from my nap it was 7:30pm! I slept for a long time! I grabbed my phone turning it on. I looked at the screen seeing I had over a hundred missed calls and texts...from Justin. To be honest I was terrified what if it was hate and hurtful words?No Justin isn't like that, I should just check them so I did. I skimmed through a couple messages and they were all Justin telling me to call him and him telling me he wasn't mad and he was worried. That brought a smile to my face he wasn't mad. he wasn't going to hurt me. he still wanted to be my friend. I instantly dialed his number he answered after the first ring.

( A=Ariana , J=Justin)

J= Ari I was so worried why didn't you answer my calls and texts?!?!?

A=Sorry I fell asleep? it sounded more like a question than a statement I thought to my self mentally face palming.

J=Oh ok. do you want me to come over so we could talk for a bit?

A= um I rather just hangout and watch a movie. I don't really have anything I want to talk about right now. I said prying he would ask about the bully thing.

J= I will be over in 5 minutes. and I have something we ARE going to talk about when I get there.

The line went dead. Great he was going to ask me about England and the bullies. I will be strong I won't cry and I won't tell him all of it. I won't tell him about the cutting or the beating or my dad. I will just tell him kids were mean to me and I had no one I could go to. My mom left because of my father but she left me. He blames me for her leaving and part of me thinks it's true part of me doesn't. She is gone I don't know where to or if she will ever call me back but I do know she left me. Before I could start to cry and think about my mom Justin knocked on my door. I ran down stairs and swung the door opened to be pulled into a huge bear hug from Justin.

"Hey" I said returning his hug

"Hey. we need to talk" he said as he pulled away and followed me onto the couch.

Look about what you said about being bullied back in you want to talk about it? he asked with concern laced in the tone of his voice.

I sighed looking him in the eyes. "what do you want to know" I asked looking down fiddling with the zipper on my jumper.

"Every thing" he responded tilting my chin up to look him in the eyes.

"Well back in Wolverhampton I was bullied by the whole school. I didn't have any friends. No one cared enough to try and defend me so they would just help hurt me. I was completely alone." I responded afraid to look up to see harsh eyes staring at me. But when I did look up Justin's eyes we glossy and he looked...pained? Justin then grabbed my wrist I flinched that was were the marks had been made. It didn't hurt, it just brought back the awful memories. I think he noticed because he started to roll up my sleeve. No he can't know! I quickly pulled my arm back. he looked confused and hurt by my sudden reaction. "Your hands are cold" I lied. I knew he could tell but he didn't push me any further. Well for today at least. "what movie do you want to watch" Justin asked getting up and going to my movie rack after a brief silence. " I don't care you choose. I will go make us popcorn." I said as I made my way to the kitchen. "Ok. sounds good" he replied as he put the disc into to the DVD player. He choose "tangled" and I cuddled up to his chest like I always do when we watch movies. he put his arm around me as I nuzzled deeper into his chest. We have a brother sister relationship so this was not romantic at all. I got halfway through the movie when my eyelids started to get heavy and before I new it I was asleep cuddling with Justin.

How do you love me?( Ariana grande and One direction fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now