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hey guys I just wanted to say thank you so much for 600 reads! I am so happy I have been freaking out all day! keep commenting and voting because it really means a lot thanks!!! ily


(p.s. this is like a month later)

Ariana's pov

" ok so I was sitting alone or at least I thought I was alone when I was singing but really, one of my co workers heard me singing a song I wrote called" piano" and he recorded it and sent it to a recording company, now I have a record deal and I have to work on an album for tour. " I said all in one breathe to my best friend Justin. I know what you are all thinking, and yes it is Justin, as in Justin Bieber. he lives across from the new house I bought so he came to welcome me into the neighbor hood, and we have gotten to know each ever since, he is now my best friend. "wow that happened quickly " Justin said with a shocked expression. "how many songs do you need for the album?" Justin asked curious. "um 13 and I have a few but they aren't finished." I responded grabbing by notebook and handing it to Justin." "better left unsaid" is that related to a person back in England?" Justin asked going over the unfinished tune all I had was

"I told you once,"get out of my life.

I don't need ya, I'll be alright.'

But some things are better left unsaid."

So tell the truth and hit me hard

A broken heart is all I have now.

But some things are better left unsaid."

" Ya it is but they warned me they would most likely change the words to be love songs and I don't really want that since he was my bully but...." I said trailing off realizing I just admitted I was bullied. No one knew except Barbra and James. I didn't want to tell Justin or Ella because I was afraid they would understand why he bullied me and started doing it as well. Part of me knew they would never but a bigger part of me was so broken and afraid. " wait what?!?!" Justin yelled. oh no he heard I was hoping he wasn't paying attention! man I am so stupid how could I let it slip like that. " nothing it was nothing but I am tired maybe you should go so I can sleep." I said trying to get Justin to leave before he understood why they bullied me and possibly start bulling me too. " erm... ok. see you tomorrow" he said leaning in for a hug but I made the mistake or wincing and jerking back in fright. "ok well bye" he said this time not trying to hug me just awkwardly leaving my house to go to his. Gawd what have I done I trusted him and no I am fearing him! he must bee so confused but I think I just ruined our friendship....great know he will definitely bully me just like he did. I started shaking and hyperventilating remembering what Liam used to do and say to me. Oh no I haven't had a panic attack in at Least a month why now ??? when everything was going so great for me? That was the last thing I remember before blacking out.

Justin's Pov

I am so confused. Ari said she write the song about a bully...that means she was bullied. She never told me about that at all. But then again maybe it was hard for her to talk about. she seemed so scared when I tried to hug her...was she afraid I would hurt her or laugh and bully her too? I would never do that to her she is so sweet and innocent. She is like a delicate little doll able to break at any moment. Now that I think about it the bully or bullies probably did that to her. She must be so. Broken but she seemed fine, happy energetic, always smiling when deep down she is so fragile just waiting for some one else to come along and pick up where they left off. That's probably why she didn't tell anyone, She thought we would make fun if her! I just left her she must think it's true since I left I have to go back and tell her I am her friend and I would never hurt her! I quickly grabbed my jacket and ran across the street and knocked on her door when she didn't respond I got worried and twisted the knob. It turned and I went in, she didn't come down stairs. Now I am worried I ran up the stairs and knocked on her bedroom door incase she was changing. No response. I opened the door and came in with my hand over my eyes . "Ari? are you in here? hello?" I called out but no response so I took my hand away from my eyes and my breathe hitched She was in lying on the floor breathing rapidly and shaking. she was having a panic attack a she told me about having them before but said she hadn't had one in months! I called an ambulance as her breathing stopped dramatically and she stopped moving. The ambulance came in record time and took her to the hospital. once we got there I texted James and told him about what happened he and Barbra arrived 15 minutes later they knew how severe her panic attacks could get, and this one was bad. We waited for a couple of hours before the doctor came and told me that she would be ok and she had a pretty bad concussions from hitting her he'd on her wooden bed frame when she fell but she would be alright she just needed rest. We where only allowed to visit one at a time so I went in first. She was asleep on the bed with a breathing mask on. She looked so peaceful just lying there. I just hope she trusts me and knows I Won't hurt her.


Oh no Ari is in the hospital! is I don't know if panic attacks are really like that but this is a fanfic so let just go with it ;) and vote and comment if you want me to try and update tomorrow! hope you enjoyed the chapter and I hope it is long enough bye


How do you love me?( Ariana grande and One direction fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now