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Ariana's pov

I woke up and it was dark outside. I looked around and started panicking I don't know where the heck I am. I looked around and relief washed over me as I realized it was James's room. How did I get here? What happened yesterday...or whenever I don't know how long I have been asleep for. Then it hit me... Hard. Liam, he recognized me and I ran away. You know when you first wake up in the morning and you don't remember the previous events and you are perfectly at peace.. No well that's what happened to me just know then life kicked in and I remembered everything. Great. Liam is back and living with Justin along with the rest of his band across the street from my house. This is just wonderful.(note the sarcasm).Gawd what if he is waiting for me? What if he turned Justin and everyone else against me! What if they team up and hurt me like the kids at my High school did?!?! Oh my gosh how did I not notice before Liam is in One Direction the biggest boy and I the world right now. What if they turn the world against me! WHY ME?!?!?! I screamed in frustration. Just then I heard feet stomping up stairs.

James's Pov

I was walking down the hall then I heard a muffled scream. Ari! I ran in the room, she was sitting up but the look on her face was pure horror. "Ari what's wrong? what happened you have been asleep for 3 hours? most importantly why did you say Liam?" I bombarded her with questions not stopping to take a breathe. "well Justin invited One Direction to stay with him and he introduced me to them..." she said trailing off at the end. "so what's wrong with meeting One Direction?" I asked genuinely curious. '' Um...Erm well Liam is part of One Direction, and he was the person that bullied me back in England.'' she said a single tear sliding down her cheek. " James, I am afraid he is going to make everyone hate me, even Justin. I cant handle the idea of Justin bulling me I-I just can't." she stuttered as more tears fell. ''Well where are they staying right now?'' I asked her since they live in London...I think. " at Justin's...Across the  street from my house." she said brushing off the tears that continued to fall. Crap! What am I purposed to do know! " I think you should text Justin tell him your safe, since you wont be home for awhile and you can stay here." I said smiling wide at my wonderful idea. " No. I need to face him, I cant keep living my life in fear. I am not the same scared school girl I was all those years ago. I wont let him push me around anymore."  she said defiantly standing up grabbing her shoes and walking out side.

Louis's Pov

Hazza, we have been driving for three hours. "I don't think we are going to find he-wait what is that?" I asked seeing a dark figure walking on the side of the road. "Lou its her! Good job you found her!'' Harry screamed pointing to the figure I saw. "Ari! " I screamed as I jumped out of the car, and ran up and hugged the life out of her. "Louis? what are you doing here?'' she asked her teeth chatting and her body shaking violently. '' after you ran out we went looking for you!" I explained, as I took off my jumper and wrapped it around her shivering body. ''why? aren't you guys going to hate me as well?" she asked with many emotions mixing in her big brown eyes, I saw confusion and fear? ''why would we hate you love?" Harry asked stepping forward and guiding her towards the car. " Liam hasn't told you? she asked sounding confused and worried as she climbed into the back seat of the heated range rover. " Told us what love?'' Harry asked being his annoying flirty self in a time like this Gawd . "nothing." Ariana responded a little to quickly for my liking.

Ariana's Pov

Wait. Why didn't Liam tell them? Wouldn't he want me to be embarrassed in front of everyone for all the times I cried? Wouldn't he turn everyone against me? Why is he holding it back? Maybe he already told everyone and they are going to pretend to be my friends and then make me feel loved and happy and everything will be good and the turn on me and push me down a flight of stairs? ok I need to stop rambling and breathe. My thoughts ended as I realized they brought me back to Justin's house. " bye guys, thanks for finding me and driving me back." I said hesitantly. " Anytime. You know where to find us." Louis said cutely winking and walking into Justin's house with Harry following closely behind. "bye" I called out before walking up my drive way and opening my door only to find Liam himself sitting on my couch. I froze. What do I do? wait is he asleep!?! I walked over not making a single noise, sure enough there he was asleep lightly snoring on my couch. I need him to leave. What if he murders me in my sleep! This is Liam we are talking about, He used to beat me and leave me on the street or in alleyways for goodness sakes! He started moving and his eyes slowly fluttered open. Oh My Gawd. What do I do!?! "Ariana?" he asked slowly sitting up. "Y-yes" I stuttered damn that stutter!  


Hey guys sorry I haven't updated in such a long time! I tried to make this one longer. thank you so much for all the comments I read every single one. it truly means a lot when you comment and vote on my chapters! thank you soooo much. this week I will try to update  at least three times to make up for the long wait! ily so much :*


How do you love me?( Ariana grande and One direction fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now