Mouth [4]

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*Recap: Mouth has just walked out on your relationship, because of you

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*Recap: Mouth has just walked out on your relationship, because of you.* (This is a part 2 to the last Mouth [3] imagine.)
Mouth when you try and talk him into giving you a second chance.


When Mouth walked out on you that night it was like a huge wake up call. You spent a week trying to figure everything out within yourself, until you decided it was time to go and talk to him.

You headed over to Skills house knowing that Mouth would be there. When you got there Skills was hesitant to let you in, until you heard Mouth speak up, "It's okay Skills." "Mouth if it's okay with you, I was wondering if we could sit down and talk about everything that went down." Mouth nodded and sat down. "Look Mouth I know I hurt you and I don't think I will ever be able to make up for all the lost time I caused. But you deserve an explanation, or at least what I've spent the last week trying to figure out. My whole life I have had people take care of me, and because of that I have found myself acting out so that others will take care of me, because that is all I ever knew. But because I was so focused on myself I wasn't focusing on the people around me, the people that mean everything to me, especially you Mouth. You know I haven't had a drink since that night? I've wanted to but every time I think back to that night you left."

The whole time you were talking Mouth was just watching you, hanging onto every word you were saying, making sure he didn't miss anything. "I know I've screwed up, but if you will just come back I know we can make this work, as long as you are willing to let me try." Mouth stood up and walked towards you, grabbing both of your hands. "Of course I am. I love you Y/N." "I love you too Mouth." It took you two a while before things were really back to normal, but sometimes it just takes a little bit of time and effort to make things right.

This one is super long because I feel like it needed a lot of detail to really make it a good one, so I hope you all enjoyed this happy ending! Also I wrote a ton @ 3 am today when I was skyping with my friend so expect a bunch of updates these next few days!

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