Jamie Scott [3]

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Jamie when you show up to the play date he asked you on

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Jamie when you show up to the play date he asked you on.


Your friend Jamie had asked you on a play date, one day at school. You went home and told your parents and they thought it was a great idea. So you got changed, packed a bag full of your coloring book, and some snacks, and headed out with your parents.

When you got to the Scott's house, your parents knocked on the door, and Nathan Scott led you all in. Standing with his mom, was Jamie, all dressed up. "Hi Y/N," he smiled shyly. "Hey Jamie," you let out a small giggle. You both stood there as your parents talked.

"So I have some games we could play? If ya want." "I brought some snacks we could share while we play!" Jamie smiled, "Let's go!" And then you two were off.

Little Jamie > Older Jamie. Also Jackson had an INSTA live stream the other day. It's so weird seeing him all grown up.

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