Peyton Sawyer [5]

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*Recap: You disappear shortly after confessing to Peyton that you are in love with her

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*Recap: You disappear shortly after confessing to Peyton that you are in love with her.* (This is a continuation of the Peyton [4] Imagine.)
You and Peyton reuniting after you tell her what happened and why you had to leave.


It was a month before you could contact Peyton and tell her why you left and where you had gone. Your parents had both been deployed, causing you all to have to pick everything up and move as quickly as possible. It was a while before you could get your hands on a phone because you were living with your aunt and uncle who didn't believe in phones because they believed they rotted your brain.

The second you could get your hands on a phone, you were calling Peyton and telling her all about the move and where you were, and how sorry you were for just leaving her and not saying goodbye. As soon as you could you were booking a flight back to Tree Hill so you could see her.


Your flight had just landed and you were eager to get off and get to Peyton's house. As soon as you grabbed your bags and stepped away from the baggage claim, you saw her, the girl you had left behind after telling her you loved her. You immediately dropped your bags and ran to her. "I can't believe you're back!" "I love you," you whispered. "I love you too," she sighed, burying her face deeper into your shoulder. She was so happy you were back and this time she was not letting go.

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