Peyton Sawyer [6]

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Peyton when you tell her she looks beautiful no matter what

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Peyton when you tell her she looks beautiful no matter what.


"Do you think the hair color is too dark? I told her I wanted it to be a subtle change, but I don't know how I feel about it." You let out a small sigh as you fell back on Peyton and your's shared bed. She had been worrying about how her hair looked. You guys were going to visit your friends, and she was worried that they weren't going to like her new hair color.

You let out another sigh as you stood up and walked over to her. You placed your arms on her shoulders with a small smile spread across your face. "Babe, you look beautiful. And if anyone tries to say anything bad about your hair, well I have plenty of comments I could shoot back at them. Like, remember when Lucas had a buzz-cut and Mouth had that spiky hair-do? Well, actually Mouth's hair was iconic but you get the point." "What would I do without you," "Probably go all Britney Spears and shave your head," you joked as she grabbed a pillow off your bed and slightly whacked you with it, "Ouch."

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