Clay Evans [5]

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Clay when he tries to have a serious talk with you and you change the subject

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Clay when he tries to have a serious talk with you and you change the subject.


Clay had come home one night stressed from work, so stressed that he had barely noticed how you had decorated the entire apartment. You sat back as he continued to rant about his newest client, slightly annoyed that he hadn't noticed all of your hard work. "I mean this guy is just so rude. And you know what he did last night? He took the towel girl home from the commercial and slept with her, so guess who had to hand out another NDA? Me, that's who."

Clay paused mid rant when he realized you hadn't said anything. "Hello, earth to Y/N. Are you even listening?" You let out a small huff as you crossed your arms over your chest. "First of all you completely ignored all the decorations I put up and our dog dressed up as Santa, so screw you. Secondly," you sighed again as you uncrossed your arms and grabbed Clay's hands. "This guy is just trying to have fun. I mean he's new to the NBA and he's young. So just put a little fear into him and give him some slack. I'm sure he appreciates everything you are doing for him, I know I do," you smiled as you sat down across his lap.

"I love you," "I love you too." "Alright Buster, let me see that Santa suit you were forced into!"

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