Haley James-Scott [4]

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The moment Haley realizes she is in love with you

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The moment Haley realizes she is in love with you.


It was a normal day. You had met up with Haley at her studio, where she was working with Mia, like you did everyday on her break. You were rambling on about some random moment that had happened during your day. She wasn't sure what part you were on, because it all sort of blended in together. "And he just walked past me like it was nothing. So you know what I did? I walked right up to him and told him off... Oh I also tripped up the stairs in front of everyone today and spilled my coffee; by now they are all used to it." It wasn't that Haley was trying to be rude by not necessarily listening, because she definitely was listening and paying attention, but on a deeper level.

She was paying attention to the way your eyes lit up when you talked about your work, and how your mood quickly changed when you got to the part about the guy who had made a snide comment to you in the hall, to the way your shoulders slouched in embarrassment but also the way your lips curved up into a small smile as you talked about another moment of clumsiness you had. As you continued on rambling and  talking with your hands, Haley found herself studying every single one of your features and reactions.

It wasn't until after you had left, that the realization hit her. "Oh my gosh, I think I'm in love."

Me: actually wants to freaking write and post.
Wattpad: *constantly crashes and doesn't save any of my work and doesn't let me write or post* You thought 👀
I swear I'm actually trying y'all but wattpad is being a pain in my ass. But hey at least I really like this one!

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