Lucas Scott [3]

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You and Lucas had been flirting all year, but you never thought you had a chance with him, because of his history with Brooke and Peyton

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You and Lucas had been flirting all year, but you never thought you had a chance with him, because of his history with Brooke and Peyton. Little did you know that you were the one he actually wanted.


Lucas had just scored the final point, winning the Ravens the State Championship. The crowd went crazy, and all the Ravens fans ran onto the court.
You ran down looking for your best friend, and crush, Lucas. You saw him with Brooke and decided to wait until they were done.

Once he was done with Brooke, Lucas looked around for you. Once he spotted you, he pushed through the crowd so that he could get to you.
"It's you," he called out. You looked up at him confused, "It's always been you, it just took me awhile to figure it out." Next thing you knew Lucas was kissing you, and it felt like you were the only ones in the stadium.

This one is so long, but I felt like it needed a little more explanation. Also I changed up the quote  because it made more sense than the original one would have with this imagine.

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