Nose in a Book

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I'm not asking permission anymore, I'm just gonna do whatever the fuck I want. If you don't like that, well oh well. I ain't your servant.


Mable sprawled herself odd ways on her bed, her feet on the wall and her head hanging off the side, her long brunette hair cascading down and branching out like weeds along the oak floor boards. A crisp rose tinted letter pinched between her fingers, it's golden calligraphy shimmering in the reflection of her caramel eyes.

Her lips turn upward as she reads the elegant writing drawing out stifled giggles. Her pet, Waddles, gives quiet snores, reminding her that the old pig was still sound asleep on her pillow. Smiling she swings herself upward and pats him between his soft pink ears before rolling off the bed. Folding the letter back into it's envelope, she makes her way down stairs. 

"Hey, Soos!" She chirps, gaining the attention of the busy-bodied man sweeping the floor of the shack. "Have you seen Dipper?"

Soos shrugs, placing his hand to his chin as if it would help him think. "Last I saw him was this morning, maybe you should check the woods. He's been hangout out by the stream quite a lot lately."

She nods at the advice, running out the door and into the forest to find her twin. It isn't long before she finds the stream but is confused when Dipper isn't in his usual reading spot up on the rocks. Wandering around, she begins hollering his name, hoping he'll be in earshot. Mabel soon finds herself at an all too familiar clearing where an undesirable statue stands, an outstretched hand waiting for someone to break the stone prison. It astounds her to find her younger brother sitting in front of their former enemy, staring at him with the first book he ever found clutched tightly in his arms against his chest. 


The teen jumped slightly, looking over his shoulder before offering a slim smile and patting the space beside him. 

"You okay, bro-bro?" Mabel frowns sitting herself down next to him, tucking her knees into her hot pink sweater.

"Yeah,'s kinda hard to believe that it's been five years already."

"Do you still think he'll come back?"

Dipper stifled a laugh, tightening his grip on the book. "I stopped having that fear when I realized everyone in town hated him after what he'd done. No one in their right mind would make a deal with him."

Mabel smiled and glanced to the statue. "Well are you excited to finally graduate?"

"Yeah, I think the first thing I'm gonna do is avoid waking up at five thirty as much as I can."

She giggles, nodding her head in agreement. "Me too!- Oh! I almost forgot," she sticks her tongue out trying to fish the elegant paper out of her pocket. with a wide grin spread across her lips, she thrust it in his face, making him rear back slightly. He took a quick glance at her then back to the envelope, gently taking it from her. "Pacifica is having a graduation party! It's a masquerade ball, isn't that exciting!"

"So~o what? You want me to help you pick out a costume for you or something?"

"No, Dipper, the invitation is for both of us! You are coming aren't you, everyone else will be there."

"No offence, Mable, but..." He hesitates, trying to find the right words eventually coming up with nothing. "I...I just don't think parties are really my thing. Besides, you're closer to pacifica and have more friends anyway, I'd just be sitting in the corner like always." Dipper smiles nervously, carefully handing the letter back to his sister, whom's face is twisting into an expression not commonly seen on the rambunctious, happy, go-lucky teen. Her frown stings her brother's heart as he tries to reassure her that he'll be fine. That he'd be happier at home reading a book than at some party anyway and that she should go and have all the fun she wants.

It took some convincing but she finally sighed in defeat knowing that if he came with her he'd be bored out of his mind the entire time, and quite possibly made fun of by school jocks like he always has been.

"Alright, you win. But if I have fun with my girls, you have to have fun too!"

"In that case Soos and I can binge watch that T.V. series he's been telling me about."

"Oh! He's been telling me about that too, if you decide on that you'll have to let me know if it's any good. Maybe I'll watch it sometime."

Chuckling, Dipper forces himself to his feet with the book at his side. "I'm headed back, it's about to get dark." He holds out his empty hand to help her up. "You coming?"

"Um..." She darts her eyes to the statue and back again before Dipper can notice. " I think I'm gonna just sit here for a while, it feels good out here." She sighs, leaning back on her arms dramatically.

Her brother smiles and rolls his eyes, dropping his hand to his side. "Alright, don't stay out too late though. Waddles get's lonely when you're gone after dark."

"Don't worry, Sir Dipping sauce! I'll be back before you can even decide what you want for dinner!"

Shaking his head, Dipper heads back to the Mystery Shack. Mabel lays there in the grass with a peaceful expression on her face, listening carefully to the steady cracking of grass and leaves under her brother's feet as he walks away. once the steps have enough distance that she can no longer hear them she waits a couple more moments before sitting upright once more. Her playful eyes hard and serious as they burn into the demonic statue before her. Her brother's words ringing in her ears.

"'No one in there right mind', huh? I guess I'll just have to work out any possible loopholes." Jumping to her feet, she spins on her heels to leave. "I won't make it easy for you...once I find the right deal..." She smirks. "you'll be playing by my rules..."

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