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Bill kept a close eye on Dipper as they made their way to Pacifica's party that was being held at her old mansion. The perfect party place as Mable had stated, since it was now all run down and was spooky enough to turn into a haunted house people could go to around halloween. It didn't take long to get there of course, despite the fact they were on foot.

" we are. Northwest mansion..." Dipper chuckles slightly, "It's funny coming back to this place not that's it's basically an amusement park ride. People come here to be scared by machines and people in costumes when back in the day Pacifica an I dealt with real ghost in this very house."

Bill smirks, "Too bad, I would've loved to see that. I bet you were hiding behind the poor girl the entire time."

Dipper scoffs. "Hardly." He smiles, gently taking hold of Bill's hand and pulling him towards the door. "Let's hurry in before Mable starts blowing up my phone." 

Inside the strobe lights were an array of pinks, blues, greens, purples, and yellows. Everyone was dressed wildly, most girls were showing a little extra skin but a few were modest enough to  keep the main area of cleavage to a minimum. Mable, her friends and Pacifica were those select few. Mable and her friends all had on simple dressed that draped down to their knees, Mable's being the only one to boldly attempt the one-sleeved style. Pacifica on the other hand was faring an elegant strapless pixie style that stopped just above her knees coated in various shades of blue and silver rhinestone belt. The main detail that stood out on everyone was that they all were wearing a mask of some sort, be it painted or tied on.

"Damn! I forgot it was a masquerade." Dipper huffed, slapping his hand to his forehead.

Bill chuckles slightly, before fishing two masks out of his pocket. "I didn't" He hums as he ties the white one over Dipper's eyes, then proceeding with the black one around his own. "Sorry they're a bit girly, Mable picked them out."

With a heavy sigh of relief, Dipper smiles. "That's fine, laced butterfly looks good on you anyway."

Smirking, Bill flicks the brunet on the nose. "Same to you, Yale boy!"

They laugh at each other before snapping their heads to the sudden call of their names, to find Mable waving them over to the table the four girls were currently occupying.

Eagerly Dipper pulls Bill in the direction of his twin. "Hey Mabes. Having fun?"

"Are you kidding!" Mable screeches. "Paz, always throws the best parties, of course I'm having fun!" She grins, putting her arm around the blonde girl's shoulders, pulling her into an overly friendly hug.

Dipper smiles, content with the knowledge that his sister is in good hands within the small group rather than off with some guy like when they were younger. Back then it felt like she had a new boyfriend each week, but now? Now she's happy just being with Grenda, Candy, and most of all Pacifica.

"Need a drink, Pines? You look tense..." 

Dipper snapped himself out of his thoughts to be greeted by Pacifica's smug smirk as she lazily extends a cup of sweet smelling liquid in a solo cup to him. He meekly shakes his head, putting his hands up in defence. "No, sorry. Not this time, Ben an I are actually here on business. If he's gonna run the shack with me then I need to sober while he get's to know everyone a bit better."

Bill and Mable's eyes widened as their plan disintegrated right before their very eyes.

"Oh! Mable you have a stain on your dress!" Bill jumped, grabbing the young girl's wrist and dragging her away before anyone could check his story. Once outside he let her go instantly running his hands through his hair, taking the mask off in the process. "Shit, what the hell do we do now?"

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