It was him

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Bill may or may not have used his powers slightly to get them home faster, of course he was careful about it. He made sure that Dipper didn't notice anything. Once they were home Bill took him upstairs and sat Dipper on his bed. "Alright, first thing's first." He smiles, making quick work of removing their bow ties, vests, and shirts. Dipper normally would've attempted to hide his slender body but instead, he flopped himself back into the warm cushions of the mattress.

" Be~en...Common..."

Bill couldn't help but smile at Dipper's adorable plea's for him to join him, but unfortunately he wanted to make sure Dipper would wake up comfortably. "Not yet, Pine tree-" He froze and covered his mouth.

Dammit! Now I've done it, he's gonna figure out it's me and then it'll all be over! He- Bill was brought out of his thoughts by a pair of warm, small arms wrapping around his waist.

"Dipper, I-"

"Say it again."

Bills eyes widened, and placed his hands over Dipper's, carefully removing them. Despite the face he was afraid of what he might see, he turned around to see a mournful expression in Dipper's eyes.

"Just go sit back down, I'll grab you a night shirt."

No matter how badly he didn't want to, Dipper did as he was told and returned to his position on the bed to wait for Bill to gather their pajamas.

Once they had changed into the more comfortable clothing, Bill full filled Dipper's desire for him to lay down together. Dipper grabbed one of Bill's hands and placed it on his head while the other he placed around his waist as he pressed himself against the elder's chest. Bill took the hint and began running his finger's through the brunet's hair.

"W-Will you say it again....please?"

"Say what, Dipper."

"...Pine tree..."

Bill sighs, gently working out any tangles in Dipper's hair as he runs his fingers through the brown locs. "I'll make you a deal...if you can tell me how you feel about me, then I'll say it again."

There was nothing for a few moments as Dipper debated the bargain, soon deciding it was a fair trade.

"You remind me of the demon I told you about."

"The one that made you so scared you cut yourself?" Bill whispers, he knew the answer but wanted to press further anyway. Coming to the conclusion that this was his punishment for causing Dipper so much pain.

"That's not why I did that..."

Bill's eyes widened as he looked down at the boy in his arms. "W-What? Then...Then why did you-"

"I cut myself because he died. My great uncle make a weapon that could turn him to stone and we ended him...I...I didn't really want to end him..." Dipper tightened his grip on Bill's shirt. "I could never admit it to my family but...h-he's the reason I am the way I am now. He's the reason I'm gay."

Bill sighed, holding Dipper closer to his chest. "I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault. He was a demon...e-even if I had told him how I felt he would've just used it to his I gave it up the second I realized I liked him that way he wouldn't be able to find out by reading my mind or what ever. I doubt he even would understand." Dipper pauses, laughing slightly. "He claimed to be all knowing but he never was too keen on human emotions."

Cautiously Bill kissed Dipper's forehead, earning a slight gasp and hazelnut eyes to look up at him. He smiled meekly. "I know I can't change what I've caused...but...I understand you meat sacks a little better this time, Pine tree."

Dipper's eyes widen, the tears that appear in his eyes quickly stain his cheek. "B-Bill?"

Whipping the brunet's tears away, Bill pulls Dipper as close as physically possible. Gently running his fingers through his hair once more in an attempt to calm the drunken boy. Not wanting Dipper to forget in the morning, Bill used his powers for the second time that night, sobering the teen up as well as holding their conversation in place so not to be forgotten.

"B-Bill, I...I don't understand, h-how are you here?"

He chuckled. "No one in their right mind."

Dipper's eyes widened, then groaned dropping his forehead against the demon's chest. "God, Mable...I knew she was up to something..." Suddenly he felt his face heat up and he looked back up at Bill. "W-Wait, if...if you heard that then-"

"Then, yes. I knew you were there. I never noticed it until after Mable had made a deal with me, but I suppose I grew attached to you over the years with every visit I got from you. To be honest the only time I ever wanted you to make a deal with me was when you laid in front of me for hours after your parents passed away."


He shrugged. "Desperation. You were so upset I wanted you to ask for your parents back. I couldn't do it but at least I would've been able to make you forget and feel a little bit better."

"Hm..." Dipper repositioned himself to where his back was pressed against Bill's chest. "So...what was Mable's deal anyway?"

"Be a good friend to you disguised as a human, and I wasn't aloud to use my powers at all unless it was for good. If I broke any rules then she would use Sixer's new ray gun to turn me back to stone."

Dipper giggled slightly, quickly covering his mouth when he felt Bill's grip around his waist tighten. 

"What's so funny?"

"Gruncle Ford never made a new ray gun." He snickered. "T-That gun you probably saw was made out of wax, glitter, and popsicle sticks. Mable made it for a school play!"

Bill's face began to heat up. "W-Why that-"

"Calm down, dorito. It's not your fault, I honestly thought it was real when I first saw it too."

Letting out a heavy sigh, Bill rested his chin on Dipper's head.

"You Pines' are stressful...." He smiles. "But I'll get over're worth it, Pine tree." gently, Bill presses his lips against Dipper's neck, sending shivers up the boy's spine. "And if I ever should die for real..." He frowns, placing his hand over the scars on Dipper's waist. "Don't ever do this again. Visit my grave, get drunk, date someone new that loves you just as much as I do, but don't you ever dare hurt yourself again."

Dipper blushes and interlocks their fingers together, pulling the demon's hand up from his hip to his chest, just over his heart. "I won't."


"And, B-Bill..."


Bill's eyes widen when Dipper suddenly turns around and pressed their lips together, the younger moaning slightly before breaking the surprise kiss. "I love you too..."

His muscles relax and he sighs happily, gently pressing his forehead against Dipper's.

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