He's back

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Mabel sighs, plopping herself down in front of the statue for the hundredth time this week. She'd been making trips between searching for good ideas for her costume, final exams, and work at the Mystery Shack. If she was fully honest with herself, she's impressed that her brother hadn't noticed that she'd been coming to visit the dreaded dream demon.

"I'm back again." she hums. "But that shouldn't shock you...after all you did claim to be 'all knowing'." Giggling she pulls out her notebook from her school bag, along with her favorite sparkle pen. "School's finally done, so no more exams, thank goodness. I'm not so sure I can handle anymore. They're always so long and boring! Dipper doesn't seem to mind them though, if I didn't know any better I'd say he actually enjoyed those stressful things. He always was a bit of a goofball."

She smiles pressing her pen to the paper. "So I think I've finally got this all worked out. It's easy to understand and I made sure you can't cheat." Her smile twists into a smirk as she places the raygun they used they had originally broken when imprisoning him the first time. "New and improved, this time guaranteed to not break after one use."

"In return for your freedom: You will take on a human form, not use any powers what-so-ever, unless you're using them for good, and go by a different name to prevent anyone from figuring out it's you, and you'll be a good, kind friend to my brother. Which means you can't bully him, and don't call him 'Pine tree'...he'll know it's you the second you do." She glares, grabbing the gun and putting it back in her bag. "I'm breaking my brother's trust by giving you this second chance. You really don't deserve it...not after all you've done...but Dipper always looks so sad and lonely...everyone is always so mean to him, it's just not fair. That's why I'm making this deal with you. I'm not making you a babysitter if that's what you're thinking, I just...You understand him better than they ever could..." Her face hardens, bringing her gaze back up to the triangular statue. "So do something good for once in your immortal life!" Glaring, she takes hold of the demon's hand, fighting the urge to jerk away when it returns the grip and ignites a cold blue flame.

"It's a deal, Shooting star" The deep voice coos from its stone form, growing into a tall slender caramel skinned man, one eye a glowing shade of baby blue while the other,  covered by blond bangs, is a bright yellow to match his hair. His clothes a flamboyant and shiny gold tailcoat-suit with black trimmings to complement the signature bowtie, tophat, and cane.

Mabel frowns at his clothes. "I had a feeling you'd be a crazy dresser..." she groans, pulling a simple pair of jeans, sneakers and a yellow sweater out of her bag. "Here, you can wear these. I'm not sure how well they'll fit. They belong'd to Grunckle Ford when he was younger, except for the sweater. I made that especially for you." She smiles, handing the clothing over.

"Ugh, so plain."

"You can make your own style that matches normal people after you get use to how things work, but for now this is all you have."

Pouting, Bill reluctantly takes the clothes from her. "Can I at least use my magic to change into them and make them fit me?"

"Hm..." Placing a finger to her lips, Mabel tries to see if there are any other options, but sadly if they left this spot with him dressed like that then they'd be noticed for sure and people would start to question or worse...figure it out. "I suppose, but only this once. Don't make it a habit!"

"Calm yourself Shooting star. I don't plan on being returned to stone so soon." He smirks, snapping his fingers to where he's wearing the new clothes and they fit perfectly. No tie, top hat, or cane. To be honest he felt slightly incomplete without them but being turned back to stone is still a huge threat, so was starting a riot if anyone found out."

"Alright, now we need a name." Looking back down at her book, she scans over the list of names she'd came up with so far.

"I fail to understand why I must change my name. Plenty of humans are called Bill, are they not?"

"Wouldn't Dipper figure it out instantly if you kept your name?"

"Perhaps, but who's to say a tourist didn't free me by mistake?"

Mabel sighs. "I don't want to take any chances..." She looks at the last name she wrote down. "...How does Justin sound? I'm trying to stay as far away from your original name as possible here."

"Clearly..." Bill grunts "I appreciate the thought, but I'm going to keep my name. I simply just won't use my last name if you're so worried."

"Fine, but if this fails  don't be surprised when you turn back to stone."

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