Mable's plan

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After the phone call with Mable, Bill dropped the phone on the coffee table and plopped himself down in his original spot in the chair across the room from Dipper who sleeps peacefully aside from a chill or two. Bill couldn't help but smile at the slender teen. The way the fading light cascaded over his pale face, his pink lips parted ever so slightly. His delicate features appearing almost angelic. Such serenity is shattered when an energetic young woman came bounding into the house, nearly waking the breathtakingly perfect, sleeping beauty. Bill glared at Mable whom instantly silenced herself upon catching sight of her slumbering twin.

'Sorry' she mouthed, waving Bill to come join her outside.

With a heavy sigh, reluctantly he followed her out onto the front porch where she proceeded in tackling him to the growled, giggling like an idiot and a stupid look on her face that just screamed 'bad idea'.

Said bad idea was indeed horrid if Dipper were to discover it. Mable intends to con her brother into going to the party after all, with Bill playing the innocent victim card of 'I don't know anyone in town, this is the perfect chance to make more friends.' According to Mable, if all goes as planned, Dipper would end up drunk in an attempt to ignore the large crowds. 

"In the end your plan is to get your brother drunk to do what exactly?" Bill frowns, slightly tilting himself back in the old wooden rocker with his arms folded over his chest in an irritable manner.

Mable sighs, leaning against the porches railing, slightly puffing her cheeks out in frustration. "Becaa~use," she whines, "Anytime Dipper gets drunk I have to leave a party early to take him home."

"I fail to see how this is in any way related to the reason you came here."

"Ugh, Bill you are so aggravating! Dipper isn't an annoying drunk, or a violent one! He gets sleepy, slightly flirty, and doesn't know what things he should keep secret or not!"

Bill finally perked up at the third thing. Or the second, who could really tell at that point. Mable smirked, seeing how she finally had the demons full attention. "So what do I do after he's drunk exactly?"

"Simple; all you have to do is while on your way back here is have a conversation with him."

"That's it?"

"Yup, if you ask him a question when he's drunk he'll give you a one hundred percent honest answer. Best part, he won't remember a thing!" Her grin was so wide it would hurt any normal person that attempted it. However, knowing Dipper wouldn't remember confessing or not confessing his love for the demon made Bill slump back in the rocking chair, no longer interested if it wasn't permanent. Mable frowned, and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Oh common, Bill. This way if the answer you get isn't the one you like you can pretend it never happened or work to where he does return your feelings."

With a slight groan, Bill rubbed his forehead. "Why are you humans so complicated."

"We aren't, it's our emotions that are difficult to understand. Even I don't always know what people are feeling sometimes and I'm just as much a human as they are. There are even times when I myself don't know what I'm feeling."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean exactly what I said. Emotions are annoyingly complex and can even confuse the person that's feeling them. What's worse is when someone asks you how you feel and you can't answer because you don't know either, despite the fact that the answer is about yourself."

"What if that's how Dipper feels about me?"

"Then it doesn't mean 'yes' or 'no'."

"What do I do then?"

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