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Interesting factoid, the difference between 'blond' and 'blonde' is strictly gender! you can mock me if you like but I honestly had no clue that 'blonde' was meant for females and 'blond' was meant for males. Just thought I'd mention this.


Mabel's nerves are an emotional train wreck by the time they reach the shack. Soos of course is sweeping when they enter while Wendy maintains her position behind the counter. The young teen calms slightly when she remembers Stand and Ford are away on vacation as of this morning. Dipper surprisingly is sitting  on the floor leaning against the counter with his nose in a book. 

Strange, normally he goes into the woods to read.  Mabel thinks to herself, slightly checking over her shoulder to make sure Bill wasn't going to try anything. Oh well, at least they're all here. This way I only have to introduce him once. She smiles waving to the crowd of three. "Hey guys! I'm back!"

Dipper waves a hand nonchalantly, not even bothering to take his eyes away from whatever he was reading. Wendy and Soos however instantly look her direction and smile.

"Hey dude, who's your friend?" Soos smiles, pointing to Bill. This catches Dipper's interest, urging him to tear his eyes away from the pages of his book. 

Bill smirks, bowing his head slightly. "Pardon my manners, My name is Bi-"

"Ben!" Mable giggles cutting Bill off before her fears can become reality, blurting out the first thing that comes to her head. "This is Ben, he just got into town." Her nervous smile managing to play off as her normal excitement.

"Ben, huh? Nice to meet ya. I'm Wendy, guy with the broom over there is Soos, and our little bookworm here is Dipper." The redhead smirks, leaning over the counter and ruffling Dipper's head, managing to off center his cap and make a mess of his already unruly hair.

Dipper blushes and straightens his hat, returning his gaze to his book not bothering to offer a hello unlike Soos whom gladly welcomes the blond newcomer.

Mabel kneels down next to him peering over his shoulder trying to see what he's so interested in only to find it's a boring math book.

"Ugh! Bro-bro what's wrong with you? We finally finish with school entirely and you're reading a math book!"

Bill snickers, placing himself on the other side of Dipper. "Well what do you know...You weren't joking. You're brother really is a strange one." He smirks, resting an elbow on the boy's shoulder whom's face has become a bright shade of pink as he tries to bring the book closer, his nose practically touching it's pages. Bill's smirk softens slightly, putting on a bit more of an arrogant front rather than a teasing one. "But of course there's nothing wrong with staying sharp, especially if the material belongs to that of a high class university." He points out, his index finger pressing the book closed and landing on the cover where the word Yale is boldly printed.

"Yale! You're going to college? I thought you were gonna stay here in town and run the Mystery Shack with me after Grunckle Stan retires!" Mabel cries.

Dipper sinks down, opening the book once more in attempt to hide his face. "I-I am staying...I'm just taking the classes online." He manages to squeak out.

His sister breathes a sigh of relief, "Geeze Dipper, don't let other people tell me about important things like this. You scared me there." He smiles nervously, offering a silent apology. "Well never mind. Hey! Can Ben stay here since hotels are expensive? He doesn't exactly have a place to stay just yet."

Dipper raises a brow at her. "Why are you asking me? Grunkle Stan put you in charge didn't he?"

Wendy snickers. "Yeah but then she tried to put glitter in his breakfast this morning!"

Bill stifles a laugh. "I was unaware glitter was a type of spice..."

Quickly, Dipper covers his mouth so his twin can't see his lips beginning to curl upward.

"Well it is in my book."

"Good thing you don't have one then...your's would kill from an overload of inedible ingredients."

Mable glares at her brother, lightly flicking him on the forehead. "Whatever, can he stay or no?"

"I don't care." he grumbles, rubbing his now sore head.

"Yay!" She jumps, bringing Dipper with her in a bear-hug, causing him to drop his book and squeak slightly from the sudden motion and deadly grip.

"M-mabel...c-can't breathe!" He chokes out earning a quiet chuckle from the others in the room.

"Oh! Sorry, bro-bro." She lets go, dropping him back in his place. He lightly bumps into Bill on his descent. Making his face light up a faint shade of pink when the blond gently takes hold of his shoulders to steady him. Mabel notices and smirks, her deal with the demon working just the way she likes. "I'm gonna go set up him a space, okay? He can stay in my bed, I'll stay over at Candy's."

"Wait, what?" Dipper blinks, looking up to find his sister already running up the stairs to full fill her statement. He sighs. "Living with her almost nineteen years already you think I'd learn to respond to her outbursts at a fast pace." 

Wendy snickers, "Yeah, maybe that way you wouldn't lose so many arguments." her smirk stretches slightly as she scrolls through the messages on her phone. Soos checks his watch and smiles. "Why are you so giddy anyway?" She hums, glancing up from her phone for a split second.

"hm?" He looks at her, making it obvious that he hadn't been listening.

Bill smirks. "I'd say he's got a date tonight."

Soos' eyes widen and his entire face burns a dark shade of red. "Are you psychic!"

Laughing, he shakes his head. "Either that or I'm very perceptive of my surroundings." He grins, pointing to the door where a lovely dirty blonde stands quietly, dressed in a cute clean cream colored dress with a little pink sash tied around the waist. Her eyes clearly stuck on Soos with a slight hint of blush radiating from her cheeks. "But of course I could be wrong."

Soos's face turns an even darker shade of red when Dipper chimes in, not even having to look up from his book, "No you're right, she's been standing there for a couple of minutes. Mable was just too loud for us to hear her come in..." he smiles, nodding to Soos that it's okay if he wants to leave now.

Wendy smirks as she watches the man head for the door, deciding to attempt teasing the old friend at least a little. "Have fun you two, don't do anything I wouldn't do!"

Bill stared at everyone, slightly confused when they all just glared at the woman, giving her a WFT kind of look.

"And what exactly is it that you wouldn't do?" Dipper groans, finally closing his book.

"Well if I told you that then you'd figure out exactly what I would do."

Dipper sighs and pushes himself to his feet. "Better saying: Don't be like Wendy." he mutters as he makes his way up the stairs, book held tightly in hand.

Soos smiles. "Yeah that one's easier to follow. Bye guys." he waves, placing his hands on Melody's shoulders, leading her out of the shack.

"Hey, Dip! I'm gonna head home too alright!" Wendy calls as the boy's foot steps fade, not bothering to wait for a response before she leaves. 

Bill remains on the floor in the middle of the shop alone, contemplating on whether he should remain there or go up stairs where the twins are now at, while also considering his options on if it was even worth the effort to attempt stealing the old journals. The threat of turning to stone still dancing around in the back of his mind.

"Ben..." he mutters under his breath. "not bad Shooting star, you've really thought all this through." smirking he gets up to join his hosts up in the attic. "This should prove quite entertaining..." His smirk softens as he enters the same room as them to assist with whatever task they've busied themselves with.

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