The Town

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"So how long do you plan on leaving me alone with this guy?" Dipper mutters, unaware of the blond standing behind the door, listening in on their conversation.

"Relax, Dipstick. He's not like the guys at school, he won't bully you."

"How do you know? The way he carries himself makes him look exactly like them!"

Bill leans against the wall, careful not to make the old wood squeak under his added presser, his mind racing as he tries to figure out what in Dippers life changed since they met when he was younger. He looks the same, just taller and slightly more mature. He's still interested in books and judging by his visits to my statue self I'd say he still likes running around in the woods looking for creatures like myself. Over all he appears to be the same child that defeated me, so what causes the humans to do the things to him that Shooting star complains to me about?

"Could you at least try to trust him? Even if you have to pretend, it's better than hiding isn't it? I mean c'mon bro. You get along with monsters better than you do people. Just give him a chance and if he hurts you I'll beat him up!"

Bill silently snickers at Mable's efforts to cheer up her twin. His stomach twisting slightly as he understands what she means by 'beat him up', otherwise known as, 'turn him to stone'. Dipper sighs. "Alright, fine..." It's obvious that he's not the least bit thrilled about the situation but knows argueing with the girl would be like trying to turn a lion into a herbivore. 

Knocking on the door; Bill makes his presence known, startling Dipper before he instructs the demon to enter, hoping that their conversation wasn't overheard.

"So, this is your room?" He smirks, making Dipper sit down on his bed, bringing his knees to his chest defensively. Giving the demon nod with a blank expression. "Not bad." He smiles looking over the overloaded book shelf, instantly taking notice that it wasn't organized and actually looked like it could fall over at any given time and probably has at one point.

"You'll be sleeping in that bed." Dipper quietly points to Mabel's side of the room where she continues to pack. "Sorry about the pink, I think we have different sheets if you'd like."

"Tough guys wear pink don't they?" Bill grins, earning a wholehearted laugh from Mabel. Dipper smiles slightly but quickly hides it.

Mabel holds her stomach trying to calm down, "G-Geeze, Ben! I'm pretty sure that only applies to clothing. If a guy ever had a pink room people might think he were gay."

Bill just shrugs at her persistent giggling. "Am I supposed to care? Maybe I like pink, if they think that's wrong that's their loss not mine." He huffs with a cocky smirk plastered across his face, plopping himself down next to Dipper making the teen bounce from the sudden drop of another body.

"Hm." Mable twirls her hair while slinging her pack over her shoulder with her other hand, gripping its handle tightly when it temporarily throws her off balance. "You should think about following that philosophy, Dipper." She smiles, quickly leaving as her brother tosses his pillow at her. Just barely missing when she darts out the door, his face turning an even darker shade of red when he notices Bill staring at him with wide eyes.

"You're gay?"

"No!" Dipper whines, pulling his cap down to hide his face.

"Hey I don't care if you are, I swear. You just didn't strike me as the gay type."

Dipper glares, lifting his hat so their eyes can meet ignoring his obvious embarrassment. "I told you I'm not gay! I-...." He sighs sinking back down into his previous position, his blush barely fading away. "I'm just not interested in girls. B-But that doesn't mean I like guys!" He jumps, wanting to make that point crystal clear for the guest, whom only shrugs leaning back on the bed with his arms up tucking his hands under his head.

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