The Call

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Bill wonders around the house bored out of his mind, if he weren't immortal he felt that it might kill him. Dipper was out at the moment so he was all alone. 

What's taking him so long? I thought he said he was just going to the store...

A sickening feeling began to fill his stomach, thoughts of those guys from yesterday flooding his mind, beating the teen up or worse. Only then did a particular thought occur to him, "Why do I even care?" He huffs, plopping himself down in a chair and running his hands through his hair in deep thought. "The kid literally is the reason my plan failed and yet for some reason I find myself concerned if he's happy or not. Being turned back to stone is hardly a threat when compared to Pine tree's pathetic emotions." He hums, trying to understand the odd feeling in his stomach but instantly silencing himself when the squeak of the front door announces Dipper's return. Plastering an enthusiastic grin on his face, he turns to greet his arriving host. "Hey, Shorty! How was-..." He freezes noticing Dipper's disheveled appearance. "the supermarket...." Bill muttered off the last of his question before snapping himself into action, taking the heavy bags from Dipper before the exhausted boy could unintentionally drop them. After setting them on the counter, Bill grabs a rag, getting it soaked with nice cool water while Dipper falls into one of the kitchen chairs, dropping his head on the table.

"Sit up, Dipper." He groans, tugging the younger into an upright position so the demon could clean him up and check his injuries. "Was it the same guys?" Without a word, Dipper solemnly nods; not expecting the sudden growl that resonated from the blond man before him. "I swear, those guys piss me off. If I could get away with it, I'd torture them just like they do you."

"B-Ben..." Bill looks up from cleaning Dipper's knee to notice the teen was blushing, causing him to blush and quickly look away in return.

"I o-only mean that you're a nice guy! If anyone deserves this kind of treatment, it'd be them."

Dipper lowers his gaze to the table in an attempt to avoid eye contact. "...thank you..." he whispers, making Bill blush even more as he continues to wipe away the dirt and dried blood.

"Don't mention it..."

Later in the day Dipper is resting on the couch, the book he had been reading open on his chest which rises and falls slowly with every silent breath. Bill tries his hardest to avoid staring at the young teen, finding it harder and harder with every passing second. Suddenly a loud chime resonates from within Dipper's pocket, making him groan as he begins to stir from his peaceful nap. Quickly Bill grabs the cell phone before it fully awakens the brunette, silencing it so Dipper can remain asleep. He brings the phone to his ear as he steps outside.


"Hey, bro-bro! I was just wonder-"

"I'm not your brother, Shooting star..." Bill groans, he figured she would be able to tell the difference between their voices.

"Bill? Where's my brother! I swear if you did something to him I'll-"

"Relax, he's asleep."

"Oh...alright well, as long as he isn't hurt."

"Well I wouldn't go that far."

"What did you do to him..." The venom in her voice makes Bill's stomach twist, attempting to keep himself calm.

"It wasn't me, Shooting star. It was those meat-sacks you claim are always picking on him. They beat him up on his way back from the store." He loosens up slightly when he hears her sigh.

"Sorry I accused you, is he okay?"

"He's fine, but..." He pauses not entirely sure how to bring this up or how she'll even react.

"But what? Is everything okay over there?"

"The house isn't burning down if that's what you mean."

"Actually I was referring to you. You sound out of it. Are you okay?"

"...I don't know...One moment I'm plotting to kill you so I'd be rid of our deal, the next my stomach feels strange because of some idiotic comment from your brother."

"You're planning to kill me?"

"That's beside the point. I hate your brother and yet I can't even look him in the eyes anymore! Not to mention the sickening feeling I get when ever he's upset or hurt; like the day he showed me around town. Those damn humans hit him with a rock, I'd never been more angry in my life then I was when I noticed he was bleeding!" He sighs, trying to catch his breath from talking so quickly without pausing only to find Mabel was laughing on the other end. He growls. "Shut up, this is serious! I don't understand what's wrong with me!"

Mabel huff's calming herself down just enough to speak properly. "Y-You're fine, Bill. heh, nothing's wrong with having feelings for someone. I wish that someone wasn't my brother but -eh, who am I to tell fate where it's suppose to go?"

"What are you talking about?"

"You, moron! You're in love with my brother!"

Bill's grip tightens around the phone, his eyes wide and his breathing had virtually ceased. "...what..."

"Oh for goodness sake, Bill, I'll spell it out for you. you~ Y-O-U  love~ L-O-V-E my~ M-Y  brother~ B-R-O-T-H-E-R!" She screams, hopefully where no one would be able to hear.

Bill quickly shakes his head as if she could see him. "No. No that's not possible! I hate all of you Pines! You've all been a thorn in my side since the very beginning, there is no way, even if Hell were to rise, that I would ever take fondness to any of you!"

"Okay, the fact that you reacted like that only proves I'm right." She snickers. "Admit it, bill. You adore him- no matter how much you deny it, you do."

"It's simply not possible! I am a demon, we do not feel such frivolous emotion. It is a waist of my time and effort."

"That's how most people feel about love until they feel it for themselves. Just give these feelings a chance, you stupid dorito, you could like it." She smiles through the phone, knowing that if Bill really does fall deeply in love with a mortal, then there could be a chance he could change his ways and then there would be no need for the contract to remain. 

"There's an issue with your plan, Shooting star. You know who I am. I know who everyone is. But, as far as the rest of this town is concerned, I'm the new guy. With the way your brother operates, even if what you say is true, I am, as you humans put it, Friend-zoned."

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