Dipper's Secret

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Dipper stood in front of the mirror, staring at his reflection for about an hour now. His mind a swirling mess as he skimmed over his outfit choice for the thousandth time. A simple pair of skinny jeans, casual black pair of sneakers and typical red t-shirt covered by his usual blue hoodie. Mable hadn't told him whether the party was formal or not. He didn't really care but this was Pacifica's party they were talking about, the most fashionable girl in all of Gravity Falls. That as well as the fact that the invitation had been rather...flashy...to say the least.

He ignored the squeak of the door, knowing Bill was the one who'd entered simply by his audible scoff.

"So, you think if you stare at your reflection long enough, It'll talk to you?"

The young teen shook his head, "I'm just not so sure about this is all."

Bill chuckled, tugging the boy's jacket off and examining it, "I wouldn't doubt that if you plan on wearing this old rag." He smirked, shoving the brunet backwards onto his bed, earning a slight squeal from him. "Relax, Dipper. Your sister told me before she left to make you presentable so that's what I'm gonna do!" He smirks, lying through his teeth.

Dipper blushed, trying desperately to look the other why while Bill searched through his closet until he found an outfit that satisfied him. "Here we are. This should do perfectly!" He smirked, holding it up for Dipper to see, only to have the teen nod in agreement without even bothering to look at it. Bill frowned but knew Dipper was only to embarrassed to look up. "Come on, try this on. If it makes you feel any better, I'd be matching you." This got Dipper to look up finally, noticing that Bill actually had two outfits in his hands that were practically identical. The only difference being the color of the shimmering silk vest each with their respective bow ties. 

Dipper stood up to examine the outfit closer, but Bill pressed it against his body, trying to see if it'll look good on him. He smiles with a slight nod. "Yes, I think this will do quite nicely!"

Dipper blushes gently taking the fashionable clothes from Bill. He instantly turned away when he realized Bill was disrobing "Oh! My god, what are you doing!" Dipper covers his eyes, staring at the wall.

Bill simply scoffed, "What's the matter, Yale boy? We're both guys." He quickly got dressed, pulling on the black slacks and white button up dress shirt to at least ease Dipper's nervousness. The teen sighs, holding the outfit before him and going to the bathroom to change. When he came back he noticed Bill had put the gold colored vest on, along with it's matching bow tie. 

Dipper looked aside with a sigh, instantly being noticed by Bill. "What's wrong?"

"N-Nothing! It...it's just...you remind me of...someone."

Bill frowned, knowing the answer but deciding to pry anyway. "Who?"

"Um..." He places himself on the bed. "W-Well, I'm...not entirely sure if I should tell you this. It um, might freak you out."

Putting on an arrogant front to keep his image up, Bill plopped himself down next to Dipper with enough force to make him bounce slightly, just barely making him be placed slightly closer to the blond. Dipper blushed but knowing if he attempted to move it would draw attention. "Try me, Dipper." Bill smirks, placing an arm over the teens shoudlers, drawing him even closer.

"A-are you sure?"

Bill nods, knowing he won't like the answer but by staying after he hears this, will only make Dipper trust him more.

"Okay...um well..." He sighs "When...when Mable and I were thirteen, there was this..." He hesitates unsure how his friend would react, but eventually musters up enough courage when Bill rubs his back gently. "Demon...this demon s-started an apocalypse, and-"

He's interrupted by Bill's thumb brushing across his cheek just under his eyes, Dipper's face heated up again, pushing Bill's hand away to wipe away the salty liquid away himself. "S-sorry...I-I'm okay now."

"You sure"

Dipper nods, clearing his throat slightly. "He terrified me, Ben. He tried to kill my family and I could do nothing to protect them. That terrified me so much." He sniffled, fighting the urge to sob. "He...laughed at pain, Ben. He possessed my body once and made himself feel pain for his own enjoyment! A-after we defeated him I..." He paused, taking a moment to collect himself. "Please don't tell Mabel."

Bill pulled Dipper  into a warm embrace, attempting to calm the troubled teen. "I won't. I promise."

Accepting his promise Dipper attempts to push himself through his stress.

"I um...had..." He sighs, lifting his shirt and lowering the hem of his pants slightly, revealing frighteningly large scars just below his waistline. 

I caused this...I fell in love with a human and now I learn that I've caused this. "I'm sorry." Bill gently ran his fingers along the scars as if the slightest touch would hurt the teen despite the flesh was beyond numb.

"It's not your fault. You didn't cause this...and...I've moved on over the years. It...it's just that, well, he always wore a bow tie and you have blond hair. I guess it kinda just...struck a nerve."

"I can take off the tie if you want, dye my hair even!"

"No! No, Ben you don't have to do that! You're perfect, I just...I just have one more hurtle to jump I suppose."

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