Chapter 4: "Yes."

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Jeon Jungkook probably knows so many girls in his life that would be fit to be his girlfriend but why in a million years that girl ends up to me?!

I rounded another right that brought me back to my neighborhood.

That hour long jog seemed like it was just ten minutes...

Slowing down from a jogging pace to a quick walk, I walked the rest of the way home.


"Jaehee-ssi," Jeon Jungkook called out again even though he has my full attention, "I need you to do this for me so I don't have to be the boyfriend to the heiress of a sails company."

My eyes dropped from him a little, "What's so bad about her?"

He sighed, "I don't want to be her boyfriend because I don't know her very well or like her."

I snapped my head back up to him, "You don't know me very well either and I'm pretty sure you dislike me too.  What sets the difference between me and her then?"

Jungkook drew in a heavy sigh, "Jaehee-ssi it's not that. I just don't trust her as much as I do with you, you have a different reason since you are the dongsaeng of my hyung."

Ah~ so that's why he's asking me to do this. But this still doesn't make sense of why he won't ask this other out.

Seeing that I've gone quiet he looked to Taehyung who was now playing on his phone, muttering some words I could not piece together Taehyung put his phone down and turned to me.

"Jaehee-ah," I turned my head to him, "Jungkook is asking you to do this for him because you are the only girl that he trust besides his sister."

I knotted my eyebrows in consideration and turned to Jeon Jungkook.

"Jungkook-ssi. I'll tell you my answer once I come back." then I proceeded to stand up but couldn't because Jungkook's hands were still tightly wrapped around mine.

His big brown eyes darted from my brother's figure to me.

"Would you please consider it yes? I know you are unsure because I haven't been a bit close as a friend to you but we can get to know each other if you agree."

I nodded my head and wiggled my hand out of his and put it on top of his.

"I'll go but I'll be back in an hour with my answer. " I reassured him, he then loosened his grip on me and let go.

I nodded to the both of them as a 'goodbye' and left.
Jungkook turned to Taehyung with worried eyes.

"Will she say yes, hyung? I'm scared that if she turns me down I have no one else to turn to."

Taehyung reached across the table and patted Jungkook's shoulder in comfort for the discouraged boy.

"Jungkook-ah don't give up on my dongsaeng so early. She's just out to clear her head and form some thoughts. "

Jungkook's eyes snap up to meet Taehyung's, "Form what thoughts? About saying no and rejecting me?"

Taehyung's eyes flashed a hint of worry and gave the boy a one sided smile. "I know her Jungkook, Jaehee won't let you suffer if she knows she can help. Now that you've told her, the answer is 99.9% a yes. Trust me."

Jungkook sighed once again, "Let's just hope you're right because I don't want to ask my sister's friends, they are overly obsessed and in love with me."

A laugh rolled out of Taehyung's lips just before he replied to the younger.

"Who thought you would be like Jin hyung and this confident about girls liking you."

Jungkook stood up, offended. "Hyung it's the truth and stop comparing me to Jin hyung, we are not alike!"

Taehyung just continued to laugh, ignoring the youngers pouts and complains.

~Opening the front door~

As soon as I opened the door I heard the sound of chairs slidding cross the floor.

The first thing I saw when I entered was Jeon Jungkook and Taehyung oppa standing shoulder to shoulder by the couches in the living room.

I choke back a laugh at how awkward they looked and took my shoes off. I then walked passed them and went upstairs to change.

When I came down with fresh set of clothes only Jungkook remained standing, Taehyung was now no where to be seen.

Awkwardly I shuffled my way into the living room and stopped a good five feet away from Jeon Jungkook.

Feeling that was as far as I would go he cleared his throat, "So... Jaehee-ssi.... "

I turned my head to him and just stared, not saying a word.

I could see a slight blush began to form on his cheeks, even though I wanted to laugh at him for being embarrassed from me just staring at him, I didn't.

He coughed twice and took a step towards me.

I just kept watching him.

He put a hand up to his neck and began to rub it before stepping closer to me.

Boom boom(what does heartbeats sound like lol)

My heart started to pick up it's pace.

When he was a good step away I turned my full body to face him, doing this he stopped getting closer.

"Jaehee-ssi." his voice was so low it sounded like a growl.

Boom Boom(idek im just going to keep this cuz idk 😂)

This is my game but why am I getting heated up? My heartbeat is also picking up... I haven't felt this way before...

"N-ne?" I manage to blurt out.

"Is the answer yes or no?" he breathed out.

Pushing my forming blush down I smiled, "What do you think Jeon Jungkook-ssi?"

His shoulders tensed and relaxed before he locked eyes with mine.

"So it's a no, I should've known." his eyes dropped.

My smile widened, "Ani."

He glances up, "'Ani?' What is that suppose to mean?"

Grinning now, I held out a hand, "It means that I'm willing to help you. The answer is Yes."

Jungkook's eyes widened and a toothy smile formed on his lips. He grabbed my hand in his and pulled me into a crashing hug.

My eyes widened in shock as my arms flew up to his back, hugging him back.

*cough cough*

Suddenly someone's fake coughing could be heard and Jungkook and I practically flew apart from each other.

Taehyung was leaning on the wall with his arms crossed, "You two love birds didn't even see that I've been standing here for almost three years. Think about what I'm going to have to go through if you guus date for real."

Jungkook and I awkwardly laughed at my brother's accusement.

Realizing his interesting way of naming us I stopped laughing and so did Jungkook.

I pouted my lips at Taehyung and Jungkook crossed his arms.

"We, are not 'love birds'!" the two of us managed to blurt out at the same time.

note: sooooooooooooo.............. *leaves*


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