Chapter 5: Cakes

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"I like sweets." I randomly said out loud while spinning in my desk chair.

After arguing with Taehyung that we weren't love at first sight. We came up to my room to get away from my brother.

Getting bored, we started to ask each other questions, which helped us learn more about each other.

Jungkook smiled at my comment, "So you were the reason we always go get something sweet to eat after hanging out everytime you were with us."

I giggled as he pointed a accusing finger at me.

"I guess you could say that but I'm not the only one with a sweet tooth, Jungkook-ssi." I said with a matching accusing tone.

All he did was sheepishly smile out the window and rub the back of his neck with his hand.

Noting this I pointed at him, "Habit?"

He nodded in reply, "It's one of them."

"Ah." I mouthed.


I tilted my head, "What?"

"Habits, I guess that tilting your head is one of them."


Then we were interrupt by a sudden yell, "JaeJae!! Come down here, we brought fo-"

Then the yell was muffled, possibly by someone's hand over the the person's mouth.

Jungkook and I look at each other and then to the door.

Getting up I opened my bedroom door and peeked out, "I heard food!"

Seokjin oppa appeared at the end of the stairs, "Taehyung said you haven't eaten yet so we brought lots of food so come down and join us."

I nodded in reply and back into my room and closed the door.

Jungkook has a curious expression on his face. "That was Jin hyung I heard right?"

I nodded again. "He said they brought food, we should go down."

Jungkook backed up from the window and joined me at the door, "Then let's go."
In the middle of eating, if you call seven boys stuffing their faces with food is eating then it's eating. The door bell rung, stopping all of the hands in midair.

The eight of us exchanged looks to decide who was going to opening the door. Finally it was down to just my brother and I since it was our place.

Neither of us wanted to go so we played rock paper scissors across the kitchen counter.


Groaning at my loss I jumped off the counter and headed to open the door.

Swinging the door open I asked, "Who i-" my sentence stopped midway when I looked up and saw that it was Jungkook's older sister, Jeon Jihyo, standing there with a cup of coffee in one hand and a bakery box in the other.

My eyes lit up at the smiling older and I hurried forward to embrace her.

As I wrap my arms around her she laugh but tried to hug me back, "Jaehee-ah, don't be such a child every time you see me."

Backing away from her I laughed and clapped my hands together, "Jihyo unnie, thank you for always feeding me!"

Jihyo unnie smiled, "I have to get you fat. Look at you honey, you look no more than a stick."

I pouted, "Am not! I probably weight more than y-"

Before I got to finish my sentence, Jimin oppa came to the door and opened it wider. "Jaehee-ah who is it?"

Jihyo unnie and I turned to him.

"Oh! Jihyo noona!"

Seeing that it was Jihyo unnie he smiled so wide, his eyes were forced to nothing more than a mere slit.

"Hello Jimin-ssi," she greeted to Jimin and then turned back to me, "Jaehee-ah when can I come in? Any longer the cakes are not going to be fresh!"

My eyes doubled their size as soon as I heard about cakes, "Omo! Unnie come in come in."

The second Jimin closed the door behind the two of us, the group from the kitchen filed into the living room.

The noise level probably triple it's volume the second they all saw Jihyo unnie and started to greet her.

Just the greeting took more than ten minutes before the nine of us were in the kitchen. The boys went back to eating, but I had something else in mind.

Grabbing one of Jihyo unnie's arms with both hands I started to swing it. "Unnieeee~~" I pouted my lips for more effect, "can Jaehee please have a piece of cake?"

Jihyo unnie flicked me in the forehead in response to my aegyo. My hands flew up to cover my forehead. 

"Aigoo~ Jaehee-ah are you sure you're 19? Kookie haven't done aegyo to me ever since he turned 15."

I puffed out my cheeks and pushed my bottom lip out and took her arm again.

She just laugh and pointed to a drawer, "Alright alright, you can have a piece of cake. Now go get a fork."

"Yay!" I cheered and went to get a fork which resulted in me having to squeezed through some of the boys just to get to the drawer.

"Mmmm it's so good~" I said after taking the first bite of a slice of vanilla fruit cake.

Jihyo unnie patted my head, "I knew you would like it."

Then she turned to the boys, "Well boys, I have to go now. If Jaehee is willing to share then there's more cakes in the box."

Jungkook stepped out from behind Yoongi oppa. "Noona, I need a word with you."

She nodded and the two siblings went to the living room, where we couldn't hear them unless they were being loud.

Didn't think about it too much I went back to eating.


"Jaehee... "

Suddenly Hoseok and Jimin oppa was in front of me with puppy eyes.

"Ne?" I asked with a bit of cake still in my mouth that I haven't swallowed yet.

"Can we please have some cake?" they asked in unison.

I nodded my head, "Go ahead, I'm getting full anyways."

At my words five boys went over to the box to pick their cakes.

Taehyung came to me instead of to the box.

Hugging me by the shoulders he whispered in my ear, "Jaehee, you did the right thing. Omma and Appa would be overjoyed that you chose to help someone in need and not be selfish like other girls."

I smiled at the words 'omma and appa', I reached up with my left hand that wasn't holding the fork and placed it on his arm. "If they would be happy that I'm doing this then I'm more than glad to help Jungkook-ssi."

note: *cough* this is a filler for the next chapter so it's not that interesting...... *cough*


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