Chapter 4: Who Are They?

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(A/N Keighlee in the pic)

(Sidney's POV)

As we walked outside to the car, Kanato stopped the two of us. "Ladies, be careful because, well, Reigi is f-e-i-s-t-y tonight." He winked and walked away. " KK? Are you thinking what I'm thinking? We're surrounded by psychopaths?" I said. "Yup, we are." We got into the car and went to school.

"Aaaaaaaaah! Oh, oh, it was just a dream. Wait what? How did-but I-and-I AM GOING CRAZY!" I said as I realized I had been on my way to school, and now I was in my bed. . . with nothing but sheets on. "Keighlee? Are you in here? Hmm. Guess not. Well, I have to get dressed I guess." I wrapped the sheet around me, got out of bed and walked to the closet. I grabbed a mini skirt and a baggy sweatshirt. I threw on a pair of flats. "Nice outfit." I gasped. "Laito. Do you know what happened last night? I was in the car, and then I woke up here. In nothing." "Ah, I see you don't remember a thing. Perfect. Just what we want." He winked at me. "Laito, just answer the question," I was starting to get angry. I thought, I just want to know what happened, and I want someone to tell me! "I know and I'll explain as Laito is worthless when it comes to this stuff." "Ayato! You're here too. What happened? And stop reading my mind!" I say pulling on his ribbon down along with him down just a little. "What do I get in return?" He asked with such a mysterious look on his face. I then got butterflies in my stomach, "You will ge--" I started to say"Oh please, this is so obvious, and honestly too sappy for my taste," Laito said. "Just get on with it: bite her, explain to her, and leave. Lil' B over here just wants the information and nothing else." I slapped him in the face and he shoved me against the wall. He pressed his fangs into my neck and I tried to get away but I couldn't. Ayato was yelling at Laito to get off of me but it did nothing. I could feel myself getting dizzy and lightheaded but I knew I had to fight the sleep that was washing over me. I screamed and Everyone ran in. The boys tried to stop Laito and when he finally stopped and looked up, his eyes were pitch black. My body went limp and fell to the floor where all I saw was Ayato and Keighlee running towards me. I had the unability to speak so I could only think. What is wrong with Laito. Why are his eyes so dark? I thought. "It's ok Sidney, you'll be ok. Just hold on. We have to get you out of here," Keighlee stared at me with a worried look. "I'll explain later, but for now you don't need, nor want, to know what's happening." Ayato picked me up and carried me out of the room. Keighlee, not too far behind, took the laws into the gathering room. Normally I would have gotten mad at Ayato for reading my mind, but it was relieving to know at least one person could understand me while I couldn't speak. God, I can't even explain how hard it was to fight off sleep. It was like trying to fight a grizzly bear that was strangling you. The adrenaline running through my body was insane, so was the pulsing of my bite marks. I tentatively touched my neck as the wheels in my mind were being ground together. It hit me like a freight train. "Keighlee, you-this morning you said something. You said they are and then started mumbling. I get it now. I thought they were strange, and I just didn't want to accept the thought. B-but we are living with some of the most terrifying creatures in fiction. We're living with Vampires," I said hesitantly. 

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