Chapter 10: Let's Have Fun

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A/N: Sorry for this crappy chapter...... I'll update the next chapter as soon as KEIGHLEE GETS BACK ON THE GD INTERNET!!!!! Hope you sorta like this chord!

I was trying my best to not think about Ayato but, he can read my thoughts so he just starts to laugh out of nowhere. Then the next thing that happens is that I start my mother-trucking period. I have a tan skirt on, so it shows a bunch. I grabbed my jacket and put it on the blood seeking through, then I run to the girls bathroom.

When I got to the girls bathroom, I checked to make sure no one was in the bathroom. I quickly got a pad from one of the things on the wall where you can get one or the other when you are on your you-know-what. I checked my bag to see if I had a spare skirt, but, unfortunately, there wasn't a single thing. Shit on a hotdog, I thought. My phone buzzed in my pocket, so I checked it. Hey. Sorry I'm not at school I wasn't allowed to go. How are ya doing, Sidney asked. I replied, On period, wearing tan, and have no extra clothes. I shoved my phone in my bag, sat on the toilet and sighed.

I hear the girls bathroom door open, and then footsteps towards the back stall, which I am in. The person was standing in front of it, then one foot disappears until the door was kicked open. "EEEKKK!" I yell and hid my face into my hands. "Why are you in here?" the voice asked. What the hell is Ayato doing in here!? I thought to myself. "I am in here because I wanted to see how you were doing." he said. He came closer and sniffed me, I thought that was pretty weird since he doesn't do it, only to someone else I know. I kicked him away and ran out of the girls bathroom, I ran for about five minutes with a cramp. I sit down on the floor, closest to the corner. I then felt someone grab my arm and put me on their shoulder, exposing the blood on my skirt. "Hey!" I yell, as I try and pull down my jacket to cover up the blood stain. Then I see the color of the hair, which was teal.

"Azu-Azu.... Sa?" I looked at the slow talker that was in all of my classes. Holy shit, how are people not seeing all of these guys coming in here, I thought. Azusa carried me out of the stall while I squirmed.He said, "Ayato ...... please leave.....I have to this....girl....thing." Girl thing? What is that supposed to mean?!

"What do you mean by girl thing?" I asked as Ayato left. "Well you are... a girl...right?" he asked and I puffed out my cheeks. He finally set me down, but once he did he pinned me against the wall. "Azusa, what are you doing?" I asked, staring into his paleish purple eyes, and him staring into my brown ones. "I want you something." he says, letting go of my wrists with one hand and reaches into his coat pocket. He pulled out one of the coolest pocket knives I have ever seen. It was decorated with rubies, garnets, sapphires, and emeralds.

He handed it to me. I watched as he unraveled his bandages and took the knife back from me. He cut himself and put his wrist just below my nose. I felt a tingle in my body that ever so slightly turned into my whole body shaking vigorously. . I felt thirsty all of a sudden, I felt like I was one of them, wanting blood. I finally gave in and bit into the wound he made into his pale skin. He winced just a bit but then stopped, he tightened the grip of my wrists above my head. I finally pulled away, only to find himself almost ready to pass out.

He started to fall, and he pulled me down with him, making me land on top of him. "Look who's...making.....the move." He said, smirking just a little to show how evil he was being. Then he made me on bottom and himself on top. He still had a grip on my wrists, making them go above my head, then he went down to my neck and pressed his fangs into my skin. I held back the scream of pain that was crawling up my throat. Then he started to unbutton my shirt with one of his hands, still holding onto my wrists with his other.

He bent down and pressed his lips into mine, his other hand resting in the middle of my chest. I somehow managed to get one of my hands free, so I smacked his head trying to get free from his lips. I felt him smirk a bit and he sat up. He grabbed my free hand and, with a searing pain, brought it back up to his other hand. I winced at the pain, "Azusa. Please, I'm begging you stop. Leave me alone. J-just let me go." I started sobbing but Azusa did nothing. He just stared at me. Then he clicked his tongue and continued what he was doing. He ran his hand down my chest, stopping at the top of my skirt. He tilted his point of view and looked under my skirt before I could close my legs. "So that's.....'s coming from," he mumbled. He stood up when he heard footsteps stop at the door, and he quickly locked the door. He pressed his ear to the door, which gave me a chance to sit up, pull my skirt down, and scoot over into a corner. Whoever was outside knocked on the door. He knocked again. I started to call for help but Azusa was on top of me covering my mouth. The person walked away. Azusa looked at me and, he pinned me down just by taking two knives out and piercing it through my school jacket. I couldn't move my arms, he then did the same to my black leggings. He started to kiss my jaw line, all the way to my shoulder, then he ripped off some of my shirt enough to expose some of my bra and the rest of my shoulder. He kissed down onto my shoulder where he licked my arm and bit down as hard as possible. I held in a scream of pain as he bit harder, then he started to suck my blood. I felt myself getting light-headed, I finally fell asleep.

~Couple of hours later~

I woke up in a dark room, realizing that I wasn't in theSakamaki mansion. I was in the...Mukami Mansion, why was I here? Then I remember Azusa biting me, in the women's bathroom. I sit up, seeing a box, with glass to see through to and see what was inside.

I looked at the box peculiarly. On the side it had the letters LBoH. Huh, I wonder what that means. I stood up and walked towards it. "I wouldn't do that if I were you," a voice behind me said. I turned to see who it was, but I didn't know his name. I recognized him from one of Sidney's advanced classes, he sat next to her and was constantly staring at her. I only know that from ditching-I mean roaming the halls instead of going to class. So ditching. I suppose.....

"Who are you?" I asked, backing up until I hit the wall. "I am surprised you don't recognize me from, you know, 'spying' on me" He said, sarcastically. "I was NOT spying on you!" I shot back, pointing my finger at him. "Sure, okay. Anyway, I am Mukami Ruki. Er, I mean Ruki Mukami." He said, stepping out of the shadows. "Oh, well then, I am Kei-" I was interrupted by.... Ruki? Yeah Ruki. "No need, I know who you are. Let's just get you home to your friend. Sidney is her name right?" He said. "Yes she is." I said walking out of the room with him.

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