Chapter 7: The Forest

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(A/N: I have made a decision!!!!!! There will be a lemon in chapter 9!!!! And if you want any other lemons, then tell me in the comments! I'm only doing one for now considering I'm new to this and it's kinda weird for me. I hope you like the end of this chapter ; ) Later Haters!)

(Sidney's POV)

After Keighlee took a nap I suggested we take our chance to go into the forest and explore. As we walked towards the gate Keighlee fell to her knees. "I don't know if today is a good day for this," I said with a sympathetic smile. "No no, I'm good, I'm okay. Let's just, you know, go," she replied stubbornly. "Where are you two going? You shouldn't be leaving." It was Shu. No wonder she fell, he's here, I thought. Keighlee said,"Weren't you there? When we made the deal with Subaru?" "No, but I'm the oldest so I make the decisions. And you shouldn't be leaving," he argued. "Well we made a deal that said that we get to go outside of the gate and into the forest once a week. And that's what we've planned to do. So, byeee." Keighlee and I giggled as we walked through the gate. I'm the other side I turned around to look at the house. "Wow. The house looks gorgeous from this angle. And look how big it is. God, I can't believe it. We have so much to explore," I breathed. "Heh heh, ya. If we aren't killed first." I flipped my hair behind my shoulder and started walking, "We'll be fine... I hope." "Sidney wait, your neck, it's, like, purple where Laito bit you. Does it hurt?" Keighlee asked. I hesitated with my hand tentatively touching my neck. "I-I didn't see that in the mirror before coming out here. And yeah, it hurts a little" I said putting my hair back where it was before. Keighlee fell again and she couldn't get up. "Okay this time we will go home, but first how about you rest by the tree. Oh, and I have snacks," I said throwing her a pack a fruit snacks. She uttered a low groan when she shifted her position. "It's my chest again but I'll be fine," she muttered. " No. Not this time. This I'm going to fix you. You said it only happens when Shu is around, right?" I looked at her expectantly until she gave me a slight nod. I turned and started yelling, "Shu! Shu get your butt out here! I know you're out here because of Keighlee, so come out the real ma-vampire you are!" I didn't hear anything but the leaves blowing in the ever so slight breeze that was sending chills down my spine, and the distorted sound of laugh. I turned back to Keighlee who was wearing the expression of someone who was terrified, yet on the verge of laughing. In a very high pitched voice she squealed, "I'm sorry. I have to!" She burst out laughing so hard her gummies spilled all over the ground. It was funny, no, hilarious watching her kick her legs on the ground and slap her hands on the ground. I started laughing too until I realized she wasn't laughing, she was being choked. I ran over to help her but a human wasn't choking her, nor was a vampire. It was a plant. It had wrapped its viney self around her neck but it wouldn't break. A tall figure rose. It was Cordelia. I had heard of her and seen pictures and portraits of her, but I never thought she would come back to life. And she was in her normal body, not possessing anyone else. She smiled. "I'm back," she sang.

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