Chapter 5: Vampires

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(A/N Just as an FYI, some of these chapters, so... yeah. I really do hope you guys are liking the story so far!!! It's taken a while to write but I should have the rest of what we have so far up here within this week or so. Also: I will not do any lemons unless you suggest it. If you want a lemon let me know in the comments. Actually..........I might do a lemon in a few chapters........buuuuuuuut, we shall see.)

(Keighlee's POV)

Sidney had figured out that we are living with vampires this whole time. But she learned it the hard way. Ayato said that she has to stay in bed for at least three days before she can get on her feet. "Sidney do you want something to eat or drink?" I asked while coming in to check on her. "I want to get out of bed, but otherwise I'm good," she said with an eye roll. "Okay that's fine but you have to have someone with you to get out of bed." I answered. "Okay, can you get Aya-- no, you can help me right?" She asked. "Sure I can help." I said coming to her bedside and putting her arm around me neck. She started to get up she asked if we could go to the garden. We started to go to the Rose garden when Ayato came in the door. He was panting and he was all wet. "Ayato, what do you want?" Sidney said looking away from him. "Why are you all wet and panting?" I asked looking up an down at him. "It's about Liato, he is somewhat better, but I came here to say that day he bit Sidney, he was taken control by another person. That person was our uncle." He said coming closer to us. I could feel Sid wanted to back away, so I went backwards. Ayato stopped and stared at her, then he hung his head. "I should have told you sooner, about me, about all of us. I couldn't because I couldn't bring myself together to tell you two." He said leaving the room. "Wait, Ayato, if you promise not to bite me or my friend, a lot, I will trust you again around me." Sidney said making me move towards him. "Fine, deal" he said, leaving the door open after he left. I set her in bed and closed the door, when I turned back around I saw Liato in the window. "Holy shit!" I said closing the curtains. "Kiwi, what did you see?" Sid asked me with a worried look. "I saw Liato out there, I will be back, just outside the doorway." I say going out into the hallway. There he was Liato, with one eye normal and one not normal."What do you want Liato?" I asked balling up my fists. All he did was grab my neck, I punched his arm so hard he let go of my neck. All he did was grab my arm after I rose back up. "I...want...blood" he said in a half normal, half abnormal voice. I punched him hard enough to make him dizzy. My hand hurt after that, when Shu say me punch Liato he came to help me but by the time Shu got to me, Liato was out cold. My hand was broken have no clue how but it is broken. I came inside the door to see Ayato was sitting next to her laughing together, and acting playful. So I just went outside and went to the garden. The all of a sudden I felt dizzy, "Ugh, what the hell?" I said loud enough so that anyone near me can hear what I said. Then Reigi came over to me, "What's wrong?" He said. That was the first time he has spoken to me in like a while. "" I said forcing the words out. Then I felt a sharp pain in my neck, I tried to look what it was. I couldn't fight the wanting to fall asleep, so I fainted, "Keighlee! Wake up, I need to show you something. Get the hell up." That voice I recognize it, it is Subaru's voice. "What do you want Subra--" I started but he cut me off with a kiss. What the? Why the hell is he kissing me? "He is kissing you because he love you and wants your blood" Ayato said, ruining the moment. I broke the kiss and saw that I was on a bench in the rose garden. "That cannot be true! Subaru just wants blood because he is a vampire!" I said while getting up and backing away from him and Ayato. "It is true, some vampires have feelings and others don't." Subaru said while getting closer to me. I started to run but Subaru caught me and pulled my hair away​from my neck. Only to find that there was already bite marks on my neck. "What the hell?" Subaru said letting me go. "Who in the god's name bit her?" He asked Ayato "Reiji did. He bit me." I said looking guilty at them both. "Damn. Reigi gets everything and we don't not even time to ourselves." Ayato said walking away. Sidney meet me outside and we both go in together, we see the boys talking, she hear nothing but I hear something.

"Why are you guys forcing us into this?" Subaru asks not seeing Sidney at the door. "You do know that all we're doing is using them for food, right?" Laito asked. "What the heck? They are just using us" I say to myself.

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