Route 5:II

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    I return home, ignoring an Incubator on the way. Mami isn't there, it's good she gave me a spare key. The door is unlocked and I enter the bedroom. Leaving my belongings on the bed, I begin writing a note to Mami, just in case she arrives real late.

We need to talk immediately. Doesn't matter if I'm asleep, wake me up.

     Perhaps she'll read it on arrival, although it'd be better once she's rested. I keep it under the jug in the dining room.

     10 pm ... 11 pm ... 12 am ... She's never been out beyond 10:30 and yet today, she won't even answer phone calls. No, nothing will have happened to her. I go to bed, after having eaten dinner and waiting for long enough. My eyes close, my conscience drifting away into the land of dreams.

     A jolt. I shake my head and try to get my focus. I see Mami.

"Was it a nightmare?"

     I remember nothing, not like I could get dreams or nightmares anymore.

"You were shifting around rather violently. Tell me, what is the matter?"

"I'm alright. Do you think you'll be fine with any sort of information, even if it turns your life upside down?"

"Getting my degree and working at the Uni has already done that, multiple times." She laughs, then stifles it seeing the look on my face.

"Oh gosh, you're really serious, aren't you? You can tell me, whatever it is."

"I'd rather show it to you. Could you give me your golden hair clip? I want to see it closely."

"Okay." She removes her clip and hands it to me. The gem is rather small in the centre. The flower enclosing it on the other hand is the biggest I've seen for a gem.

"You see the gem in the centre? It's proof that whatever I will tell you next is the truth. Another thing is you and the gem are linked. You must never let go of it."

    I then show her the images from Magica.

"I've been looking for the same book for my research. Where did you find it?"

"The public library. You're unofficially a magical girl."

"But why tell me this now?"

"Because the world is in danger. I'm currently calling on the other magical girls so you could at least be able to form a team when the inevitable happens."

    She narrows her eyes. "The inevitable?"

"The immediate would be more accurate. Let's just say that the world will otherwise end in less than a week. The forces controlling it aren't in control of themselves."

"That sounds awful. Now that you've told me, I'll have to help. What can I do though?"

"We could start with brainstorming. I'll call the others and we could hold a meeting tomorrow evening."

"Can we have it here? Nobody will hear us since the place is soundproof."

"If you're okay with that."

"How many of us Magical Girls are going to be there?"

"I know six of you in all. One is a kid so I won't get her into all of this. Another is our target. The third is our centrepiece. Then there's you and another two who are in this."

"Tell me their names."

"Sayaka, Kyōko and Madoka are with us. Nagisa is neutral. Homura is the force we need to stop."

"They're all in your school?"

"Kyōko and Nagisa aren't. The rest are all in my class."

"How did you put up knowing all this for so long?"

"I'm not from here, thus it wasn't too overwhelming. I've only entered this universe recently by invitation when you found me at the airport."

"That can explain why the Board said you had to be kept secret."

"I am supposed to be unexpected so that our plans could work. This is our only chance after all."

At this point, it is possible to make the conversation deviate in more than one direction. I...

~Convince Mami to become group leader.
(Continues in 6 II)

~Activate my powers to regain her memories.
(Continues in 6 IV)

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