8: Ending 2

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Plan Z activated.

    Madoka creates the barrier herself, the deity form taking over. Kyōko assists her with the spell, from the chanting to the actual physical construction. She refuses to enter it however, not wanting to leave Sayaka and Mami behind.

    This barrier is covered in arrows, not allowing anybody to see inside of it. They aren't directed inwards or outwards, but instead form a wall of sorts. The different sizes and shapes as well as colours of individual arrows make it appear like a kaleidoscope, almost making one forget the goings-on inside.

    The darkness dissipates. It is early morning. The sun just begins to showcase its rays. All of a sudden the sphere disappears and Madoka and Homura are never seen again.

Epilogue/Inside the barrier:

    Homura has lost any trace of sanity or control over herself. The darkness swivels about, all brought inside the barrier. It is blinding for everyone but the embodiment of hope, Madoka. As Madokami, she has zero trouble with vision or any impediment. She spots the 14 familiars surrounding her. Weren't some of them supposed to be done with already?

    They take the offence. Before they could reach Madokami, their forms are vaporised. Violet wisps emerge and disappear. Homura curls up into a ball, much like a scared person. Apparently she is rendered near helpless with the familiars gone.

    She then awakens. Demon girl goes into witch form once more. Madokami knows that she can't be redeemed anymore until a new eternity is reached. She needs to defeat her now. Madokami holds on to her bow to pick it up. It slowly warps itself, becoming an extension of her right hand. At the other end is a dagger, which can be extended to sword length.  

Homura makes a move.

    She now has a sword in hand and slashes the air where Madokami was just a moment ago. The latter happened to be aware, and thus escapes being hit. There are a few more unsuccessful slashes at Madokami, the last one nearly grazing her shoulder.

    The next one is averted, as Madokami finds a blind spot at the upper arms. In a flash, the two arms of Homura are rendered lifeless. The girl turns back into a human.

    Homura is unable to speak. Madoka does the talking for both of them.

"I remember when you told me we'd be enemies eventually. At that time I wouldn't have expected things to be this messed up. It's only now I understand what you meant then. Thank you for protecting me. This time, I need to protect everyone else. Hopefully you'll see the other side of things. At this moment, I banish you from any planet with intelligent living beings. You are free to do as you please wherever you will be, but there is going to be a barrier, which won't let you return until your own being transforms to not be a threat to humans and society. Goodbye, Homura."

    The barrier is released. The two find themselves in space, not confined to earth's limits anymore. Homura is taken by a part of the law of Cycles, to a place different from its normal route. The moment just before Homura is whisked away, a power exchange takes place. Madoka receives the missing bit of her own Soul Gem and becomes whole. Homura's on the other hand changes form, into a reddish maroon teardrop, much like Madoka's.

    Madoka loses her rose coloured glasses as soon as she gets the power surge. She also loses her humanity, this time for good. She learns of the immense responsibilities that she is to handle. This creates a rift in her previously bonded human and deity forms.

    She realises her mistake soon. The universe is simply too big for anyone to control alone. The loss of being with her friends is too much to bear. Madoka, who was once the embodiment of hope, falls into despair.

    She decides enough is enough. Madoka holds her Soul Gem and tries to break it with force. It doesn't. Madokami asks her why she's doing this and doesn't allow it. Human Madoka tells her to read her mind.

    Madokami relents and lets go. Madoka shatters the Gem. It doesn't disappear, rather the pieces rejoin into a crown, much like that of the Queen on a chessboard. The crown encloses a new Gem which is multicoloured, yet has a faded appearance.

    She turns into the same sort of demon as Homura, and calls herself Madokuma. Madokuma allows Madokami to continue with the law of Cycles and chooses to take care of all other affairs. Unfortunately, while Madokuma is now in the same position as Homura, she isn't as smart as the latter. Several mysteries are left unsolved, from why Madoka has no familiars to what happened to the energy emitted from what were once Homura's familiars.

Cue Kyubey's laughter.

If you wish to see the various routes, check out the other options.

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