Route 6:iii

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*That Pre-climax Chapter

I cannot trust Homura, no matter how much I would want to. It's not like I hate her, but the emotions she displays are way too unstable right now. Being with the group will be better, more productive. Plus only Madoka and Kyōko need to be informed about the situation, we can move on to the duel/battle plan faster.

I feel flushed and uneasy. Mami thinks of taking me to a doctor after taking my temperature which turns out to be pretty high. I convince her to just let me sleep instead. Considering my need for rest, Sayaka and Mami does the talking to for both of them. This is apparent when the following day, we are all discussing weapon theories in the hall, Mami forcing me to partially lie down with a blanket and hot chocolate.

She explains,"The four of us went to an arcade in the evening where we could use fighting equipment. I've always been able to use guns well, and found it slightly surprising that my skill with bows isn't too bad either. You should've seen Madoka though, she's the best at them. You'd think Sayaka and Kyōko both seem the type to use swords. Kyōko, however is awesome with a spear, way better than her using a sword."

Kyōko interrupts.

"Sayaka and I had a couple of duels. She was leading 35-4, when..."

Mami continues,"That's not a couple of duels. Basically, Kyōko got fed up and picked up a spear instead. It had a flail at the end and looked super creepy."

Madoka speaks.

"So she goes and literally destroys Sayaka at every match after. They ended at 35-14, Kyōko won 10 straight. Don't feel bad about us not inviting you, it was a spur of the moment decision."

Kyōko and Sayaka both give looks of don't tell her, she ignores them.

"These two got so tired at the end, Mami and I had to practically carry them back. Sayaka, you're lighter than I expected."

Mami laughs, I join in. They both share a look of embarrassment.

"You need to take me there next time."

Madoka chooses to change the topic to a more serious note.

"In the meanwhile Sayaka and Mami told us whatever they had to, about our immediate future and our identities. We know you aren't a Magical Girl, promise us you won't suddenly make a wish. We don't want you trapped."

"I won't."

Mami takes over.

"We probably will have weapons once we turn into our forms, in case we don't, you'll have to separate from us with Madoka and steal some. Even the arcade would do. Speaking of her, Madoka isn't to change form until we've removed all obstacles in her path. The three of us, Sayaka, Kyōko and I are going to be her defence. You're going to relay everything between us."

Kyōko's face turns dark. She continues the conversation from where Mami left it.

"We don't know what powers you may or may not have, but we can't put you in any risk either. It's only because of you that we even have a chance at restoring the universe, and you are somebody who can be invisible, acting when required. Should we be unable to carry on, you'll be our last hope. But for that, we need you to be around, unharmed."

Are they having a discussion or was that already over yesterday itself? All they seem to be doing now is instructing me. I blurt out, after some time.

"What would you all count as the worst case scenario?"

Sayaka replies, "We have decided that by the presence of three of five of the following conditions:
Madoka is nearly defeated, physically or mentally.
Madoka turns evil. There's no telling what can happen in battle.
Homura is about to die but the reins to control the universe haven't been passed on.
Civilians, even those far away from the battleground are being injured by an otherwise unknown cause.
Only one of us remains conscious and able to fight at a certain point.

That is when we activate plan Z, which includes isolating the battlefield. At least if something along those lines can be done, it'll separate us from earth and the others can go back to normal life. Going over the above points, you and Madoka are likely the only ones who can activate this last plan, should all else fail."

I nod, not knowing what to reply, if at all. Madoka now appears to be dreading the inevitable. Mami and Kyōko are giving looks of 'I wish we could've stopped this earlier' and Sayaka has a blank face. Unknown to us then was that a certain injured cat was spying.

A clap of thunder resonates. My fever disappears instantly, the others minus Madoka in their Magical Girl outfits ready to finish what their ex-comrade began.

Continues in 7 C

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