Route 6:c

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*Homura breaks loose

I take Madoka away, she cannot be seen by Sayaka, especially not in this form, not yet. We run up one floor, to our classroom. She is back to normal. Sayaka finds us soon.

"What's making you both take so long? We were getting worried."

I reply before Madoka protests, "We came here, but Madoka felt a bit dizzy, so we chose to rest for a bit."

Sayaka looks at Madoka.

"Are you alright?"

"I'm fine now."

We barely leave the classroom when the bell rings, signaling that we return. A few groans from all of us and the day goes on as usual. Sayaka and I are the only two to really notice Homura's absence, the rest of the class getting on normally till we leave. As for me, I have warning bells ringing in my head and call them both to my place for an emergency meeting. They both phone their parents, telling them not to wait for their return as they've sudden plans. We then find Kyōko on the way, which is a nice coincidence as I'd have to call her anyway. The two of them stare at me dumbfounded when I ask them to help me kidnap her. On shooting a death glare, they accept.

She tells us that she was to meet Sayaka, but the latter happened to forget about it. We tell her to come with us for something urgent. Weirdly enough, she's okay with it. So much for kidnapping.

We go to my place, with Mami waiting for me. She welcomes the others and then asks me why we're all here today.

"We have a risky situation coming to us, and we need your help."

"Why me? Can't anyone else do this?"

"Do you see those dolls?" I point at them from the window.

" 'Course I do. One of them told me her identity. They're familiars, right?"

"That they are. They normally could be considered as reflections of a witch, which is a Magical Girl gone bad. However, Madoka here made a wish to prevent their existence."

"Then how are those still there?"

"Those don't belong to a witch, rather they are those of a demon."

"So let me get this straight. We have a demon and her familiars, who are similar to that of a witch yet different, perhaps more dangerous. We have to defeat her right?"

"It's not that easy. She controls the very universe, so those reins need to go elsewhere. Plus, there are even worse beings which she's controlling for now. Our problem is that the girl is unstable and might have a breakdown anytime soon. She couldn't handle the burden she had as a teenager, and that's what made her evil and all. We need every one of our Magical Girls to set things right."

"What on earth is a Magical Girl and where do we find them?"

"People who have made a wish in exchange for their being. Right now you're clouded in false memories, but those will slowly fade and you'll get used to your identity. They are right here, all of us with the exclusion of me."

"Who are you then?"

"Just a slightly knowledgeable human from another universe who's here by invitation. Mami-san, could you do the battle bit?"

Mami does explain the battle 'bit'. She goes over strategies, weapon use, strengths and weaknesses, coming up with plans, etc.

We decide on a couple plans and an endgame, preparing for the worst. As for the worst case scenario, we choose to indicate that by the presence of three of five conditions:
~Madoka is nearly defeated, physically or mentally.
~Madoka turns evil. There's no telling what can happen in the heat of battle.
~Homura is about to die but the reins to control the universe haven't been passed on.
~Civilians, even those far away from the battleground are being injured by an otherwise unknown cause.
~Only one of us remains conscious and able to fight at a certain point.

"We will need a plan just in case everything goes wrong. Let's call it plan Z. Whoever is left for that could try to isolate Madoka and Homura so that they don't disrupt the earth anymore."

We agree to that plan, although none of us would want to go through with something that drastic.

All in all, we get ourselves prepared for the quickly approaching duel, maybe a battle. We decide that when one of us calls next, it's an alarm that everything's amiss. For anything else, we would use messaging.

The next afternoon, Mami and I just about finish our lunch when we hear bolts of lightning. The sky darkens and people are running around, maybe to their homes. We take this as our cue to fight.

Continues in 7 C

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