Route 6:iv

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*That Pre-climax Chapter

I stop Madoka from changing form. She will otherwise trigger Homura and accidentally cause the apocalypse right here. Maybe shaking her wasn't the best way to do so, she comes to and promptly faints.

I make her lie on the bed and sprinkle water on her face. It takes a while for her to wake up. By then Junko, as I learn is Madoka's mom's name, arrives and thanks me for helping her.

She leaves Madoka in the room to have a word with me.

"I sense something happening with Madoka which she won't tell me about. I just wish she could trust me a little, the way she trusts Sayaka and you."

"She does trust you as much. Thing is, she doesn't want to involve you in whatever she's dealing with."

"I want her to know that I've got her back, if ever she needs me. Could you tell her on my behalf? I don't feel I'm being a good enough mom."

"I will, and I can assure you she thinks of you quite highly, even if it may seem the opposite now."

"Take care of her for me."

"Definitely. Now don't be so glum, Ms. Kaname."

"Thanks, by the way I'd rather you call me Junko-san."


What is with people wanting to be called with that one suffix? As she leaves me, I knock at the bedroom door. Madoka opens it.

"I've called Sayaka here if you don't mind. Are you fine with waiting for her?"

"The more, the merrier."

We talk a bit more until Sayaka comes, given a shriek we hear from Junko-san.

"So why did you call me here?"

"Business. She'll explain." Sayaka looks at me, as if I held some elixir of knowledge.

"You know those alarm bells you get when a certain classmate is around? You're not going crazy, she is. We're gonna be in a deep pile of trouble if we don't act soon. Do you remember anything the first time you met her?"

"Nope. I only have a fleeting memory, if you could even call it that. She said she would lay waste to the universe, once... Once all the Wraiths are done with."

Ignoring Madoka's shocked face, I ask Sayaka when the last time she saw a Wraith was.

"I think I can sense their presence, but nothing's come up for the past 3 days. Oh no!"

She opts to continue the conversation, steering towards battle plans and whether we should speak to Mami and Kyōko about the same. We decide to leave them out, they're older and likely skeptical, also Homura may get wind of our knowledge.

I've zoned out for a bit and on returning from it, hear Sayaka speaking.

"Our final plan could be isolating the battlefield so that if none of us are to return alive, at least she will be trapped as well. Humanity needn't suffer just because of a few of us. We can attempt this plan Z just in case all the others get messed up."

I ask, "What is our worst case scenario that could require something like that?"

"It could be decided by the presence of three of the following five conditions:

Madoka is nearly defeated, physically or mentally.

Madoka turns evil. There's no telling what can happen in the heat of battle.

Homura is about to die but the reins to control the universe haven't been passed on.

Civilians, even those far away from the battleground are being injured by an otherwise unknown cause.

Only one of us remains conscious and able to fight at a certain point."

Madoka shivers, but doesn't say a word. Sayaka holds her head in her hands, as if a migraine has come upon her.

"We need to tell the others, at least let them know what they are and what they can do. It's too dangerous for us alone. I need to leave."

"What happened to you just now?"

"No time to say anything, Madoka. Stay safe and don't trust Homura or the Incubator Cat."

She runs off and Junko-san enters the room.

"What happened to her? She's never looked so scared."

I tell her it is part of the current things we teenagers have to deal with ourselves. She doesn't take it, but leaves us two alone. We decide unanimously to go to my place, at least Mami will be around.

We just about exit Madoka's house and reach the end of the lane when we see the sky darkening. Thunder booms and a bloodcurdling shriek is heard nearby. We know the voice and move towards its source. It stops when we reach an all-too familiar garden, as if its owner knows of our appearance.

Continues in 7 D

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