Chapter I: Angel of Death

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Hello! This story was made for my girlfriend Laureen! I added her in the story becausw I think it would be cute! Anyway this is probably my first attempt in actually continuing a story, I hope you all like it and with that said...

Enjoy Le story~

PS: 'Info': Uriel's thoughts/Main character's

'Info': Others thought


"Uriel? Uriel, wake up"

"Are you still tired, dear?"

Her feminine voice echoes in my mind, her soft voice, and caring tone soothes me to the core. She became a light of sorts to me, I remembered every caring action that she did. Selfless in every decision, she held no grudges, or left residual hate to anyone. She was a righteous woman.

She was my mother.

Thats why my heart broke. When she died


"Uriel!" I was pulled out of my thoughts by a loud, and stern shout of a male. The particular male was my teacher, Sir Cedric.

I turn my head to the man in front, with a forced look of interest.

"Are you listening Mr. Angelica?" My teacher asked, as he tightly held his teacher's note in his left hand.

"Yes, sir I was." I replied, trying not to show my lack of interest in the manner.

"Very well then." He said, almost in a whisper. I watched his hand as he grabbed a stick of chalk and began to write a problem for me to solve. Sir Cedric was my teacher, some students compare his style of teaching to be way too difficult for any Senior. However I generally find these classes boring, and mundane.

He finished writing the problem on the board, and looked at me after with a slight hint of annoyance. "Then can you please solve this problem Mr. Angelica?" His voice contained the same hint of annoyance as his stare.

"An easy task" I replied nonchalantly. I got up from my seat, the squeaking sound of my chair skidding across the floor was soon followed by whispers of the class, they were unintelligible but I can say for certain they were at me. I walked to the front and grabbed the chalk my teacher held out in his hands.

The problem was a simple geometrical hurdle, 'Nothing too difficult.' I thought as I began to write down the solution.

My classmates seemed to not be paying attention to me nor the lesson, they continued to chat about 'The war'. Or to put it naturally an invisible war. There have been widespread news broadcasts, detailing about the economical  instability in Europe, most notably in Poland, Italy, Denmark, and Ireland. These were unprecedented events in the modern world, not because of the economical crisis' of these countries, but the pattern that they created.

The first to experience this was Denmark on May 12 2097, then Italy following a few months after on August 19 2097, and the most recent ones being Poland, and Ireland who's instability was only a week apart. Poland on January 1 2098, on New Years, and Ireland on January 2098. The media has spread rumours of an 'invisible war' occurring inside these countries, and the governments refuse to announce this due to some sort of political reason. The invisible war, was said to be fought in both inside of the parliament, and in small isolated villages.

'If there is a pattern then which country will be next?'

I finished the problem with ease, I underline the answer and turn to look at my teacher who I could tell was impressed.

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