Chapter II: Devil's Deal

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Immediately started on the second chapter, after I published the first one. Because A. I had nothing better to do and B because Im exited to see the character development! Anyway...

Enjoy Le Story~

PS: 'Info': Main character's

'Info': Others thought

Also I'll be adding POV(Points of view) switches

Uriel's POV

My eyes widened in shock at his welcome" Purgatory!?" I shout in surprise, not aware of the tone of my voice. The orange eyed man in front me of nods.  "Yes. You should have been aware of that." He pulls out a pocket watch, a quiet voice coming out of it, too quiet for me to even hear.

"My name is Azazel Xiopha. A pleasure to make your acquaintance." He said, as he pocketed the pocket watch. A constant smirk of confidence on his face. "You have been brought to be judged, or to put it simply, choose what your soul will reincarnate as." His smirk seemed to only grow wider. All of this was so sudden, from me dying in order to protect Laureen, to waking up in Purgatory and meeting with a demon.

'I didn't want to die yet. I want to live, to live for her.'

The thought echoed in my still confused mind. My expression was blank, I didnt know what emotions to exhibit in this situation. I dont want to accept my fate, I dont want to accept death.


Azazel's POV

I smirked at the boy, he looked like he was having a mental breakdown, which he probably was. "You know." I let my statement trail off, he looked at me expecting me to say something that will give him any kind of hope in this hopeless situation. He was smart, I'll give him that much.

"There  is a way for you to regain life again. To be reincarnated in your 'original' body." I said to him, smirking, like the devil I am.

Uriel, looks at me with a glint of hope in his eyes "What is it? How can I get back?" The desperate boy replied, almost in a begging manner. "Im a demon, we can make deal." I look into his eyes with a devilish eyes.

I smirk at him "The deal is simple..."

Uriel's POV

My eyes widened in his unreal demand. "Make me Ruler of Hell."

"What!? And how do you expect me to complete that task!" I shout at him, in disbelief "Its already in your blood..." The demon states, while smirking a devious smirk.

'In my blood? What does he mean by that..?'


10 years ago

Azazel's POV

Darkness. Every single day in that cell, darkness, was all I could see. The footsteps of the angels were the only thing to permeate my ears. My vision, was tricking me, weird lights, of blue, red, and violet colors were dancing in the darkness in front of me.

I couldn't even move, I was chained to the floor, my arms chained up to the walls, and my legs chained to a kneeling position. Before I was put in here, I was tortured badly by, The Reapers. Whipped, nailed, sliced, and many other sadistic torture methods.All of the time I spent in this dark hell, wasn't wasted on regretting. No...

I was asking for, forgiveness. Asking for forgiveness, to the one that I loved...

I didn't know how long Ive been here...Months, years, decades, centuries. Ive lost my perception of time a long time ago. Anybody in this situation would choose death than anything, but I still have to keep living for her...I have to Live!

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