Chapter III: Angel of Flames

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Hello my lovelies! Its me again, LelouchFanboy69 back at it again with another chapter. Not with Uriel, Azazel, or any other characters that you've met, oh no. Today we're with a new character. A character that I hope you guys will enjoy! So enough with the lame introduction lets go!

Enjoy Le Story~

PS: 'Info': Main character's

       'Info': Others thought


Gabriel's POV

"You're getting sloppy, Michaela!" I sidestepped to the right, to dodge my apprentice's sword. "And you're getting too overconfident!" He retorts, attacking my side, which I blocked with my blade. We locked weapons with each other, sparks flying then fading as we did. A grin was etched on my apprentice's, similar to the one I had. I knew this was just a friendly sparring match, but it needed to end eventually as sad as it is. I push my blade with a considerable amount of my strength, which was to knock him of balance. He staggered back in response, which left a clear opening in his defenses. That was of course on the basic rules in sword play, never leave an opening.

I strike at his sword in a downward motions, successfully disarming my blond student and winning me the match.

I approach my beaten apprentice, and offer him my hand. "Are you up for another round. or are you already too bitten up?" He simply grins however, and takes it. "Sure, old man" But before we could start sparing again, a loud, and childish complaint filled our ears...

Well I guess I was expecting it sooner of later

"Oh come on! I want to spar too!" We look to the right, my second apprentice Dominic Aizeya was sitting in one of benches, his arms crossed much like that of a child. I let out a silent chuckles. "You two sparred yesterday." My other apprentice, Michaela Apostela.

These two are like night, and day. Always competing for everything, who would wake up in the morning first, who could stay up the latest, who could finish their food the fastest. Everything was a competition to them, and even now they always fight on who gets to spar first. They really are still like children, I guess I rubbed of them I bit too much. "Hey Gabriel, how about us against you?" Dominic suggest, interrupting my thoughts, as he walked over to Michaela's side.

"You two think, that you can beat me? Whats the score, 497 to 0?" I chuckle, and look at them, it true they've never beaten me in a sword fight before, I honestly thought they would give up but I guess these two are just way too stubborn. "We can beat you!" Michaela states, in a confident tone. I sigh, but smile, I already knew what the outcome will be, but whenever I spar with these two it makes me feel like a proud father. It feels...accomplishing to see them improve everyday.

"Heh alright then, you two ready to get your butts kicked for the 498th time?" I said unsheathing my blade. They did the same in response.

I decided to make the first move, moving behind them in a flash, hoping to finish the battle quickly. I unsheathe my sword, and slash at Dominic's neck, but my attack was then blocked by my blue eyed apprentice. I smiled in approval at their attempt. I attacked again, aiming to strike at their temples but my strikes were constantly being parried, and blocked by the two.



Michaela's POV

Yes we got him!

I snickered at my teacher. We know how Gabriel usually fights, he aims to weaken his enemies before beating them he is considered the most merciful out of the entire Council, the only problem is his speed. Gabriel is the fastest and most agile fighter in all of the Archangels so its always difficult to keep up with him. But now it seems like we've got him on the ropes now!

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